Minutes 2021

Kent House Leisure Gardens Ltd
Board Meeting
Held online: 13 th December 2021
Present: Korehan Dora (KD), Reg Wickings (RW), Martin Spatcher
(MS), John Sissions (JS), Saeed Kanuga (SK), Antoni Pogozelski (AP)
Heather Mallinder (HM).
Apologies: None
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD greeted the Board and thanked them for attending the meeting.

Having had a very enjoyable break with his family the Chair has been on site this week and was pleased to note that the volunteers were working hard to keep the site tidy. He wanted to thank all of the volunteers for their continued diligence and the Board for theircommitment to their duties during these challenging times.
As this was probably the last meeting of the Board this year KD

wished everyone a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New
2. Minutes of Meeting 8 th November 2021
The Minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the
Matters Arising
There was an error in the date of the last meeting which has now
been rectified.
Action Points Outstanding
a) Repair to fence adjacent to plot 72
Agreed: Work remains outstanding to be completed in the next
couple of weeks. – SK

b) Gating of green waste area
Work almost completed. The gates have been hung with just a few
tweaks need.
Agreed: To be completed in the next few weeks – SK
c) Contact Fire brigade for advice and safety inspection.
Agreed: To attempt in the spring – HM
d) KHLG Ltd Webpage update.
Agreed: To progress in the New Year. -RW
e) Charity Calendar update
The submission of photos from plot holders has been disappointing
to date.
Agreed: To promote the calendar further to plot holders and open
up the criteria for historical photos to be included, especially the
winter ones with snow as it appears unlikely we will get any this
year. – HM
f) Christmas Lunch cancellation
Agreed: It was agreed to cancel the traditional lunch this year due
to the emergence of the Corona Virus variant Omicron.
g) Site Defibrillator.
The defibrillator has been installed in the Clubhouse.
Agreed: Contact St John’s Ambulance for first aide training –HM
h) Purchase of Card Machine
RW has investigated but is not satisfied with the cost.
Agreed: To explore the option of payment to a phone number –
i) Crisis Management process
There is a pressing need for a contingency plan should the Treasurer
become incapacitated for any reason. The vital information needed
to maintain the function of the Sites processes must be accessible to
the Board via the Cloud or Google drive in the absence of a Company
Agreed: To formulate a contingency plan and bring to the Board
next meeting. RW / KD / HM
j) KHLG Ltd.com website and Email address.
Agreed: To pursue in the New Year – KD
3) Secretary’s Report
There is a need to review the Job Description of the role and allocate
tasks to Board members.

Agreed: To meet in the New Year and review. KD / RW / HM

4) Letters/ Communications
Plots Under Notice to Quit
The Board made an offer to the recipient of an NTQ of a smaller,
more manageable plot but this was declined.
Agreed: To proceed with due process.
5) Treasurer’s Report
Account balances as of December 2021
No.1 A/C £ 5,375.14
No.2 A/C £ 1,773.38
KHLG Ltd A/C £ 5,407.32
Savings A/C £ 0.90
Cash 1:2:3 £ 485.75
Total £13,042.49
6. Shop Report
The shop made two transactions this month. £90 & £102. The total
income minus expenditure for 2021 is £626. There are 6 jars of
honey left and the Beekeepers are owed £21.
7. Site Manager’s Report
MS submitted a written report for December.
Plumbing: The site water has now been turned off until March. The
leaks have been repaired but the new tap near plot 90 is still to be
added. MS needs to work out where to position the tap and join to
main path.
Plot Inspections are suspended until March.
Some of the green waste area has been cleared.
Plot 14a has been cleared of willow and brambles thanks to
volunteers, but still needs to be burnt. A bonfire needs to be
organised when the weather is dry and there is no wind. Willow
wands and bamboo stems are available from the raised bed area.
Please help yourself but Do Not plant the willow on site. Volunteers
are removing brambles, ash and undergrowth from the top path.
The NTQ on plot 88 will stand. – KD/RW/MS

Site Work -Branches to the old tree to be cut by Foxy. – HM to liaise.
External rewiring update
Progress has been made but Ross is unable to continue at present. –
8. Lettings Manager’s Report
There are now 68 on the waiting list with 3 vacant plots, 33a
Vineyard at 68b and 11b1. Plot 88 to be split on vacation.
Agreed: To grub up the poor vineyard at 68b prior to reletting.
9. Health & Safety Issues
Many thanks to AP for taking on this task.
The Corona virus is still present in the community with a particularly
virulent variant Omicron in circulation. We ask that plot holders
continue to exercise care when interacting in enclosed spaces
please. If you have been in contact with Covid please advise the
Board immediately. HANDS – FACE – SPACE still applies. If not for
you – for those that are vulnerable amongst us.
10) A.O.B
RW – Advised the meeting that he is awaiting confirmation from the
Tax Office that KHLG Ltd is not liable for any tax.
SK – Advised that the rubbish in the pound has still not been
removed although most of the metal has gone.
Agreed: SK to engage the removal company and confirm the
price. – SK
KD – Wanted to advise plot holders that the rent demands will go out
in the first week of January 2022.
On behalf of the Board of KHLG Ltd to all plot holders
We wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Meeting Ended at 20. 59 hrs.
Kent House Leisure Gardens Ltd
Board Meeting
Held online: 8 th November 2021
Present: Korehan Dora (KD), Reg Wickings (RW), Martin Spatcher
(MS), John Sissions (JS), Saeed Kanuga (SK), Heather Mallinder (HM).
Apologies: Antoni Pogozelski (AP)
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD greeted the Board and thanked them for attending. He advised
the group that AP had sent his apologies as he was experiencing a
power cut and could not get on line.
The Chair wished to congratulate the Board for organising a very
enjoyable Bonfire Night event, and mentioned that he had counted
over 70 people in attendance. He attributed the success of the night
in no small way to all of the volunteers who contributed their time
and energy (and considerable stamina) putting the event together.
The Board wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to all of you that got
involved, who were too numerous to name individually, but you
know who you are.
There was however one complaint for bringing the firework display
forward an hour. This was done because there was rain in the air and
it was uncertain if it would continue. It was a judgement call that had
to be made quickly. The board apologise if it spoiled one person’s
enjoyment of the night.
2. Minutes of Meeting 16 th August 2021

The Minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the
Matters Arising
The total in the set of accounts submitted from the Treasurer was
entered incorrectly. This was due to that amount being transposed
from the month prior. This should have been spotted in the draft
minutes as the month stated was September. The correct total was
recorded in the published minutes.
Action Points Outstanding
a) Repair to fence adjacent to plot 72
Agreed: Work remains outstanding. A temporary remedy may be
possible before a complete repair in the spring. – SK
b) Gating of green waste area
Work almost completed. The gates have been hung with just a few
tweaks needed before use. The lower entrance will remain open to
allow the tractor to drop off the grass cuttings.
Agreed: Ongoing – SK
c) Contact Fire brigade for advice and safety inspection.
Agreed: Continue to chase – HM
d) Bonfire Night.
Agreed: Very disappointing response on the request to RSVP.
However, a very successful night.
e) Site wine
The Must is fermenting well. It should make an ‘interesting’ wine
with about 16 gallons for site use. Happy days.
Agreed: KD to rack this week.
f) KHLG Ltd Webpage
Agreed: Organise a Zoom meeting with Simon Heart – RW
g) Site Defibrillator.
The defibrillator has been purchased and will be housed in the
Clubhouse as all plot holders have access. When used the
instructions are verbal and start as soon as the machine is switched
on. Each step required is explained and there is an overriding safety
facility that will not allow inappropriate or unnecessary use.
Agreed: If anyone is unsure about its use but would like to learn,
speak, to KD who is fully trained.
h) Charity Site Calendar
Some photos of the site have been submitted. However, for a good
production they need to be in a landscape format and high-
resolution quality. Also, the month taken needs to be made clear and
a caption added.
Agreed: Notice advising photographers to be added to the

3) Secretary’s Report
As disappointing as it is this role continues to remain vacant.
4) Letters/ Communications
Plots Under Notice to Quit
Both recipients of the NTQs have now appealed. A full discussion
took place under Chatham Houses Rules and the way forward
Agreed: Proceed with agreed process.
5) Treasurer’s Report
Account balances as of November 2021
No.1 A/C £ 5,324.05
No.2 A/C £ 2,339.16
KHLG Ltd A/C £ 5,277.32
Savings A/C £ 0.90
Cash 1:2:3 £ 499.75
Total £13,441.18
6. Shop Report
Shop received payments for November of £165 and £75 leaving a
total banked of £1,866.38.
The remainder was used to pay for the delivery of the manure last
Sunday. The next delivery due is this Sunday. The price charged is
now £1.50 per barrow load to recoup the cost of the delivery.
JS will bag up the cash from the Machine shop in banker’s bags.

7. Site Manager’s Report
MS gave a verbal report.
Plumbing: The site water will be turned off this week. Work
outstanding includes a new tap by the Drumbeat plot. The plot
holder at 91b will assist with digging the trench.
The NTQ’s on plots 62b2 & 88 will stand. A way forward has been
agreed. – KD/RW/MS
Health & Safety: The allotment risk assessment was carried out by
MS/JS/ HM. This role has been taken on by AP. Thank you.
Site Work
The back of the car park has been cleared and planted with border
plants. JS and volunteers continue to mow the communal areas.
Thank you. The willow and the brambles by the White house have
been cut down by Brendon. Thank you. The willow is still on the plot.
To be put at the back of the brook for anyone who wants it. Branches
to the old tree to be cut by Foxy. – MS
External Wiring
Progress has been made by Ross to renew a cable to the new green
house. The second green house will require a couple of volunteers to
help pull the cable through. The security gate intruder light will be
the next to be done. – JS
8. Lettings Manager’s Report

There are 67 on the waiting list with 2 general plots vacant and 2
vineyards. BALGAF have requested that sites retain Vineyards
however, one of them is in a very poor condition with little yield.
There is one person interested in a vineyard.
Agreed: To grub up the poor vineyard at 68b prior to reletting.
9. Health & Safety Issues
The Corona virus is still present on site. There is currently a
particularly virulent Delta variant form in circulation. We ask that
plot holders continue to exercise care when interacting in enclosed
spaces please. If you have been in contact with Covid please advise
the Board immediately. HANDS – FACE – SPACE still applies. If not for
you – for those that are vulnerable amongst us.
10) A.O.B
RW – Advised that the Beekeepers will hold their AGM in the
Clubhouse on 16 th November. And suggested that as Covid 19 is still
present in the community the KHLG Ltd AGM be held in March 2022
as the number attending is anticipated to be high. Rents are due at
the end of November which will be set at the same amount as last

time as they cannot be changed without the approval of the AGM.
There will be no Rent Days this year and tenants are asked wherever
possible to pay by bank transfer. It is understood that some
individuals will still need to pay by cash and as happened last year
arrangements will be made to facilitate this. RW was suggesting
purchasing a card machine for ease of purpose.
Agreed: AGM to be set for March 2022. Card machine to be
KD – The Board need to look at a fallback position for the role of
Treasurer as it is the most crucial role to the organisation and we
need to ensure continuity if RW is incapacitated and unable to carry
out his duties.
SK – Commented that the Board need to share the banking
KD – Added that we need a Crisis Management process in place to
deal with these issues before they arise as problems. The systems
need the Board to have access, rather than just one individual.
RW – Replied that more than that we desperately need a Company
Secretary as he is still carrying out duties normally undertaken by this
role. This combined with the Treasures role is proving to be onerous

and cannot be sustained indefinitely. The new accountants have
proved to be invaluable dealing with HMRC and Companies House
but there are still tasks linked to the running of the Limited Company
which need to be discharged by a Company Secretary. Note from
RW: KHLG Ltd was activated at the beginning of this year and its bank
accounts are being used for holding this year’s rents. KHLG Ltd is
being run alongside KHLGA which is still trading as it needs the
approval of an AGM to close it down and transfer its assets to KHLG
The organisation need a .com website with an email address.
Agreed: To ask Simon Heart if he can assist with this. If not, we
need to employ a consultant. – RW
Agreed: Set up a meeting to focus on these issues – KD
SK – There is a lot of rubbish accumulating in the yard that needs to
be cleared. Except Ben’s lawnmowers and rotavator.
Agreed: To get a quote for it all to be taken away.
HM – Although we enjoyed the bonfire and fireworks on Saturday,
given that COP -26 is taking place in Glasgow right now it was hardly
in keeping with the crisis of climate change. Maybe next year we
could demonstrate our climate friendly credentials by holding a light

show instead.
Agreed: To look at the options for a less global warming event
next year. – ALL
HM – Thank you to Ross Sissions for being my wingman on the night.
KD – Thank you to Chris Perrins and the Ukulele Band for a truly
entertaining night. And thanks once again to all the volunteers who
helped to make it such a success.
Meeting Ended at 21.52 hrs.


Kent House Leisure Gardens Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 18 th October 2021

Present: Korehan Dora (KD), Reg Wickings (RW), Martin Spatcher
(MS), John Sissions (JS), Antoni Pogozelski , Heather Mallinder (HM).

Apologies: Saeed Kanuga

1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD greeted the Board and thanked them for attending. He wished to
thank all those who had contributed to the voluntary work of the
site, especially those who had helped with the harvest of the
vineyards and the starting process for the new site wine.
2. Minutes of Meeting 16 th August 2021
The Minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the
Matters Arising
Action Points Outstanding
a) Repair to fence adjacent to plot 72
Agreed: Work remains outstanding. HM to see if a temporary
remedy is possible before a complete repair in the spring. – SK /HM
b) External wiring between office / main gate / greenhouse
Agreed: Ongoing. Progress to be reported through the Site
Managers monthly report. – JS/ RS/ MS
c) Gating of green waste area
Work ongoing. There are two more panels by the side gate.
Agreed: A progress report needed for next meeting – SK

d) Repair of Honda mower No.10
The fault is now understood and there is a simple remedy. Any Board
Member wishing to avail themselves of the technique speak to MS or
Agreed: All
e) Contact Fire brigade for advice and safety inspection.
HM is still awaiting a response.
Agreed: Continue to chase – HM
f) Purchase of fire extinguishers.
Agreed: On hold until Fire brigade visit. – KD
g) Shop closure for the Winter months.
Agreed: Shop now closed.
h) Bonfire Night.
Agreed: Very disappointing response on the request to RSVP with
numbers attending, although many verbal responses. Plot holders
attending please RSVP to the KHLG email to allow an accurate
calculation for catering purposes.
Please Do not bring any Fireworks. A display will be supplied by the
Car Park to close on Wednesday 3 rd November for assembly of
i) Site Defibrillator.
The preferred brand from St Johns Ambulance is out of stock.
Another brand to be purchase given the advent of Bonfire Night. -RW
3) Secretary’s Report
As disappointing as it is this role continues to remain vacant.
4) Letters/ Communications
i) Plots Under Notice to Quit
A communication has been received from a plot holder in receipt of
an NTQ.
Agreed: To be shared with the board. – RW /MS
5) Treasurer’s Report
Account balances as of September 2021

No.1 A/C £ 6,479.00
No.2 A/C £ 2,339.16
KHLG Ltd A/C £ 5,277.32
Savings A/C £ 0.90
Cash 1:2:3 £ 499.75
Total £145916.13
6. Shop Report
The decision was taken to close the shop for Winter, with the proviso
that Board members have the discretion to open for individual
purchases if required.
The cost of ground cover has risen by 15p per metre and needs to be
reflected in the price. There will be a price rise on most products
next year.
KD to order pots for the polytunnel.
7. Site Manager’s Report
Plumbing: The leak in the old black pipe near plot 73 has been
A identified on the beekeeper’s side of the orchard that requires
Plot Inspections: HM, JS & MS carried out the inspections on
Wednesday 2 nd October. Only plots that were already under notice
were included as generally not much had changed.
Plots 4a, 8a, 14a, 11b1, 36a, & 76a all need attention. 14a & 11b1
have attended last week.

The NTQ’s on plots 62b2 & 88 will stand. A meeting to be arranged to
prepare these cases to take forward. RW/MS/HM
Health & Safety: The allotment risk assessment was carried out by
MA/JS/ HM. The document must be reviewed twice a year it is
proposed to ask AP to carry out this task. – AP
8. Lettings Manager’s Report
Two Vineyard plots are still vacant. BALGAF have requested that sites
retain these plots, however one of the plots is in very poor condition
with little yield. There is one person interested in a vineyard.
Agreed: To consider grubbing up the poor vineyard prior to
9. Health & Safety Issues
The Covid -19 Pandemic is still present on site. There is currently a
particularly virulent variant form of the virus in circulation. We ask
that plot holders continue to exercise care when interacting in
enclosed spaces please. If you have been in contact with Covid
please advise the Board immediately.
10) A.O.B

HM- Suggested creating a calendar for next year by holding a
competition for plot holders of their photos over the seasons and
publishing the best ones in the calendar as judged by an independent
Agreed: To produce an action plan for next meeting.
RW – We need to progress the KHLG website. Simon has produced a
dummy site for consideration.
Agreed: To set up a Zoom meeting with Simon to go through the
process. RW
KD- The Site Wine is bubbling away happily in the winery. He wished
to thank the 8 volunteers that helped. There should be about 16
gallons for site consumption.
KD – Some plot holders are abusing the system for mower lending. In
one instance recently one plot holder kept the mower for over two
hours despite the ½ hour limit on lending time and then passed to
machine on to another plot holder who had not paid the loan fee of
£3 and shown possession of the required PPI. The mower was then
left out in the rain instead of being returned to the machine room
correctly. The Board will seriously consider sanctions on plot holders
should this behaviour persist.
Agreed: Further discussion required.
KD – A reminder to all plot holders who have hired the Clubhouse to
pay the £50 fee please.
KD- A big thank you to John Wetherell and Stuart for all their help.
Meeting Closed at 9.30 pm
Kent House Leisure Gardens Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 13 th September 2021
Present: Korehan Dora (KD), Reg Wickings (RW), Martin Spatcher
(MS), Saeed Kanuga(SK), John Sissions (JS), Antoni Pogozelski (AP)
David Pipe (DP), Heather Mallinder (HM).
Apologies: None
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD greeted the Board and thanked them for attending. He advised
those present that he had been on site a lot recently and had seen
first-hand the hard work carried out by the regular volunteers. He
thanked Board Members for the reports they had submitted for the
2. Minutes of Meeting 16 th August 2021
The Minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the
Matters Arising
There was a typo in the Minutes under A.O.B it should have read
Medlars not Meddlers.
Action Points Outstanding
a) Repair to fence adjacent to plot 72
Agreed: Work remains outstanding. To be completed ASAP – SK
b) External wiring between office / main gate / greenhouse
AP, JS & RS measured the area and compiled a schematic plan and
list of materials for Ross
Agreed: To go ahead with the quote received from Ross. – JS, RS
ECRI certificate needed once electrical work is completed. To be
arranged from external source. – KD
Site of armoured cable needs to be identified before leak in area can
begin remedial dig. – MS / DP
RS to attend part of the Board meeting next month to discuss the
process. Work can be done in one weekend with the right help on
hand. It needs to be done ASAP.
c) Gating of green waste area
Work ongoing.
Agreed: Nick will help SK to complete work – SK
d) Repair of Honda mower No.10
A fault has developed with the choke. The mower will not start after
it has been used once. There is a three-month warranty on the
Agreed: Check out the fault and contact Honda. – JS
e) Contact Fire brigade for advice and safety inspection.
HM has made contact with the Fire brigade and is awaiting response.
Agreed: Chase response – HM
f) Purchase of fire extinguishers.
Agreed: On hold until Fire brigade visit. – KD
3) Secretary’s Report
As disappointing as it is this role continues to remain vacant. The
Board have divided the tasks between themselves to cover as best
we can. We are looking for a plot holder with relevant skills to
volunteer to take over at least part of this post and ask that if anyone
is willing take this on, please contact the Chair KD
4) Letters/ Communications
i) The condition of Plots 42 / 43a
The plots were inspected on 8 th September by the plot inspection
team. An assessment was made against the criteria stipulated in the
remedial agreement drawn up with the plot holder by MS & KD and
it was found that both plots had met the criteria.
Agreed: The decision of the Board was to carry on the inspections
monthly. A letter has been sent to the plot holder with the findings
of the team. A response to be sent to the complainants – KD
ii) A verbal acknowledgement and correspondence have been
received from the plot holder appealing the NTQ on plots 16 & 17b.
The Chairs decision is pending.
Agreed: There is two weeks left until the NTQ expires. A decision
will be made then.
iii) The death of Ken Eastman last week.
Ken’s death was announced on the noticed board and on the
Facebook site. Unfortunately, the Facebook post has upset his
partner who requests that it is taken down.
Agreed: Contact Tim to remove the post. -HM
5) Treasurer’s Report
Account balances as of September 2021
No.1 A/C £ 10,350.81
No.2 A/C £ 1,024.96
KHLG Ltd A/C £ 5,277.32
Savings A/C £ 0.90
Cash 1:2:3 £ 487.75
Total £17163.27
RW has banked some cash this week. While doing so spoke to the
cashier regarding the difficulty he was experiencing with telephone
banking on the KHLG Ltd account. It turns out that the security
question asked was causing the problem as it wanted to confirm the
signatories to the account. Unfortunately, they had not been
transferred when the account was opened so there was none
RW is receiving a poor service from our current accountants but has
received a lot of help from Tony Munro on a Pro Bono basis.
Agreed: To transfer our account to Davanti Business Solutions,
20 Mortlake, 20 Mortlake High Street, London, SW14 8JN
6. Shop Report
KD reported that of the £212 banked this week £135 was for the
shop account and £77 was transferred to the beekeepers. He
thanked members of the Board for keeping to their slots on the rota
a new rota will be produced. As Winter will soon be upon us it needs
to be agreed when to close the shop.
7. Site Manager’s Report
MS presented a written report which is always well received.
Plumbing: The leak in the old black pipe near plot 73 is still
outstanding, awaiting volunteers to dig and investigate along with
the addition of the two new taps on ‘Hempstead Row’. Anyone with
time to assist please contact Martin.
A new leak has been identified on the beekeeper’s side of the
orchard that requires investigation.
All three tasks still outstanding as MS awaits volunteers to come
forward to dig and investigate.
Plot Inspections: HM, JS & MS carried out the inspections on
Wednesday 8 th September.
14 plots received notices to cut long grass or tidy up / remove
Plots 42 / 43a and Plots 16 / 17a – are covered earlier in the
Infrastructure: The picket fence behind the car park is still
outstanding. The logs are being replaced gradually.
Machinery: No problems reported.
Community matters. JS and volunteers continue to mow the
communal grass areas and paths. The memorial garden and orchard
continue to be well maintained on Tuesdays.
Environmental matters: None outstanding
Site condition: As of last month, the site is in so much need of TLC. A
volunteer weekend is needed ASAP.
Work identified to be done: –
Re-open the green- waste area before the winter (it will take a lot of
work to achieve).
2 vacant plots (plus potentially 3 more) to be cleared prior to letting.
Did we agreed to assist 2 new plot holders to clear their plots.
Fencing around the compound needs finishing. Etc. etc.
There is much more to do but this would be a good start.
Health & Safety: The allotment risk assessment document is
reviewed twice a year. The next review is overdue. MS will update to
cover the fire risk on plots. The assessment is also overdue and
needs to be done ASAP. MS/ HM/JS
8. Lettings Manager’s Report
SK checked with Members as he understood the 2 /3 plots may
potentially be coming up as vacancies soon. Still no confirmation.
There has been an interest shown in one vineyard. RW to get in
Both new lets are in need of tidying / strimming. Plot holders to be
reminded that they are in the 3-month probationary period. -SK
Waiting List currently stands at 65.
SK to send an up update to RW / KD
Nothing has been posted on the webpage for three months as KD
has been waiting for the volunteer to make contact. He understands
a lot of work has been done but doesn’t know what was agreed.
RW suggested Simon joins the Board on a Zoom meeting to go
through the issues raised. SK /RW
9. Health & Safety Issues
Although all legal restrictions to control the Covid -19 Pandemic have
been removed there are still several variant forms of the virus in
circulation. Covid is present on the site with several plot holders
succumbing to the infection. We ask that plot holders continue to
exercise care when interacting in enclosed spaces, please. If you
have been in contact with Covid please advise the Board.
10) A.O.B
KD – Advised the meeting that last week several plot holders
experienced difficulty accessing the site through the main gate as the
lock had jammed. As a result, the lock has been changed.
KD – Told Members his Grandson’s Birthday party was a great
success but could not get the bouncy castle due the prohibitive cost
of the indemnity insurance. He has paid the fee due and left money
to refill the gas canister for the BBQ.
AP – Suggested the we hold a 5 th November bonfire party for plot
holders and their families at the Boards expense. Invitations to be
sent out RSVP to get an indication of numbers attending. If the
weather is inclement, it will be moved to the next weekend.
Agreed: All
HM – Advised the meeting that the notices will also be placed in the
top notice board now we have the key. The Minutes from the
meetings will be attached to the gate.
DP – It is with sadness that David announced he is leaving the site
and the area. The Board thanked him for all his hard work for the
site, wished him a fond farewell and best wishes for the future. He
will be missed but hopefully will pop back from time to time to see
KD – Thanked DP for the scaffolding poles and fixings and the arch
welder. He echoed the sadness of the Board to see David go and
thanked him personally for all his work on the site.
RW – Proposed that we invest in a Defibrillator for the site as it
would be a valuable addition to our H & S equipment.
Agreed: RW to investigate possibilities.
Meeting Closed at 9.20 pm
Kent House Leisure Gardens Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 16 th August 2021
Present: Korehan Dora (KD), Reg Wickings (RW), Martin Spatcher
(MS), John Sissions (JS), David Pipe (DP), Heather Mallinder (HM).
Apologies: Saeed Kanuga (SK) Antoni Pogozelski (AP)
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD greeted the Board and explained that the meeting was postponed
for a week because the number of apologies received meant the
meeting last week would not have been quorate. He wished to thank
once again all those volunteers who give their time regularly to take
care of the site. Without their efforts the site could not function, and
the Board members for their contributions to the management of
the site.
2. Minutes of Meeting 12 th July 2021

The Minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the
Matters Arising
DP mentioned that he did attend the meeting last month although
he was left off the minutes. HM apologised.
Action Points Outstanding
a) Repair to fence adjacent to plot 72
Agreed: Work remains outstanding. To be completed ASAP – SK

b) External wiring between office / main gate / greenhouse
The Board thanked Ross Sissions for a comprehensive detailed
Agreed: To go ahead with the quote received from Ross Sissions as
the pricing covered the materials to be used only. Labour will be
provided with the help of volunteers. – JS, RS
JS – to provide a word document to KD
ECRI certificate needed from the Beekeepers. – DP
Site of armoured cable identified. – MS
A schematic plan is required to identify the work – RS
RS to attend part of the Board meeting next month to discuss the
process. Work can be done in one weekend with the right help on
hand. It needs to be done ASAP.
c) Gating of green waste area
Work ongoing. The design has been agreed. Posts are in situ but
gates not added yet. Need to resolve when the work will be finished.
Agreed: Volunteers required to complete work – SK
d) Repair of Honda mower
Agreed: Completed and running efficiently. No.10 mower to be let
out as much as possible to test reliability.
3) Secretary’s Report
As disappointing as it is this role continues to remain vacant. The
Board have divided the tasks between themselves to cover as best
we can. We are looking for a plot holder with relevant skills to

volunteer to take over at least part of this post and ask that if anyone
is willing take this on, please contact the Chair KD.

4) Letters/ Communications
i) There has been a further complaint from a householder
neighboring the site regarding the activity on plot 91b. The original
complaints were addressed by the Board and believed to have been
The subsequent complaint is again about the use of a BBQ on the
plot but has deteriorated into personal attack on the new plot
holders and contains racist overtones. This will not be tolerated by
the Board who will no longer enter into any communication with the
house holder.
Agreed: To address the issue of the risk of fire from BBQ’s on-site
HM to contact the Fire brigade and arrange a visit for advice and a
Safety inspection. -HM

ii) The complainants of the condition of Plots 42 / 43a were not
satisfied with the reply they received. The Board agreed that
unfortunately to share any more information would amount to a
breech of confidentiality. A report on progress has been sent to the
plot holder who has one further month to complete the schedule
before a decision will be taken by the Board.
iii) An Email has been received from the Sydenham Singers thanking
the Board for the use of the green for rehearsals. They have offered
to entertain us at one of our open days.
vi) An Email has been received from a plot holder appealing the NTQ.
vii) Confirmation has been received regarding Nichol’s birthday party
this weekend. If the weather is inclement, it will be held in the
5) Treasurer’s Report
Account balances as of August 2021
No.1 A/C £ 9229.11
No.2 A/C £ 1188.19
KHLG Ltd A/C £ 4479.10
Savings A/C £ 0.90
Cash 1:2:3 £ 2265.97
Total £17163.27
6. Shop Report
Total income banked to 9th August 2021 £2990.02
£146 from shop was transferred on 16 th August after financial report
was run. Will appear in next month’s figures.
£21 has been received from honey sales.
Shop sales are slow at the moment, probably due to plot holders

7. Site Manager’s Report
MS presented a written report which is always well received.
Plumbing: The leak in the old black pipe near plot 73 is still
outstanding, awaiting volunteers to dig and investigate along with
the addition of the two new taps on ‘Hempstead Row’. Anyone with
time to assist please contact Martin.
A new leak has been identified on the beekeeper’s side of the
orchard that requires investigation.
Plant sales: Sales have ceased. Will start again next Spring.
Plot Inspections: HM, JS & MS carried out the inspections on
Wednesday 4 th August.
Plots 24a / 79 / 89a were judged to be uncultivated.
16 plots received notices to cut long grass and 5 plots received
notices to tidy up / remove rubbish.
Plots 42 / 43a – an assessment of progress. An interim report from
the Inspection Team has been sent to the plot holder.
Infrastructure: The picket fence behind the car park is still

outstanding. The logs are being replaced gradually.
Machinery: No problems reported.
Community matters. JS and volunteers continue to mow the
communal grass areas and paths. The memorial garden and orchard
continue to be well maintained on Tuesdays. The choir has finished
for the summer.
Environmental matters: The peat free compost trials in the small
greenhouse results:
John Innes – Best overall, followed by Melcourt and Westland.
Miracle Grow and Clover were poor.
Site condition: The site is in so much need of TLC following the
effects of the covid lockdown a volunteer weekend is needed ASAP.
Work identified to be done: –

Re-open the green- waste area before the winter (it will take a lot of
work to achieve)
2 vacant plots (plus potentially 3 more) to be cleared prior to letting.
It is alleged that we agreed to assist 2 new plot holders to clear their
Fencing around the compound needs finishing. Etc. etc.
There is much more to do but this would be a good start.
Health & Safety: The allotment risk assessment document is
reviewed twice a year. The next review will be updated to cover fire
risks and fire hazards on plots. – MS / HM / JS
8. Lettings Manager’s Report
In the absence of SK there is no update this month re: offer of
vineyards to waiting list.
9. Health & Safety Issues
The Government has removed all legal restrictions to control the
Covid -19 Pandemic. However, there are still several variant forms of
the virus in circulation and not all site users have had a double
vaccination. We ask that can plot holders continue to exercise care
when interacting in enclosed spaces, please.
10) A.O.B
RW – Advised the Board that the notices for the LTD company were
in the office.
– He has consulted accountants: the tax business is in hand with
Companies House. Initial assessment is that we should not pay tax as
a not-for-profit organisation. They will intercede with Companies
House on a Pro Bono basis. Returns have been submitted.
RW – Will write to plot holders with windfall apples as we now have
an apple press.
– One plot holder is contesting a NTQ, 4 remain outstanding.
JS – Asked members to ensure that the loan charge for machinery is
paid for at the time of the loan. Lack of the right money is no excuse
as there is change available in the office.
– There are several engineers on site that are able to service the
machines. In exceptional circumstances they may need to be
taken to the manufactures.
KD – Asked if members would like to continue with the meetings on
Zoom. Agreed: Yes Please.
– The green has been hired for a birthday party on 4/9/21. It will
include two gazebos. It is a family birthday.
– The Meddlers will be ready soon in the communal orchard and
the apples are ready.
Meeting Closed at 21.38
Kent House Leisure Gardens Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 12 th July 2021
DRAFT Minutes
Present: Korehan Dora (KD), Reg Wickings (RW), Martin Spatcher
(MS), John Sissions (JS), Saeed Kanuga (SK), Antoni Pogozelski (AP),
Heather Mallinder (HM).
Apologies: None
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD greeted the Board and apologised for the slight technical hitch
that caused the meeting to start 15 minutes late. He wished to thank
all the unnamed volunteers who offer their time regularly to take
care of the site. Without their efforts the site could not function.
He also wished to thank the Board members for their contributions
to the management of the site.
2. Minutes of Meeting 14 th June 2021
The Minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the
Matters Arising
It was noted that there were two items under No.7. which will be
amended before publishing online.
Action Points Outstanding
a) Repair to fence adjacent to plot 72
Agreed: Work remains outstanding. To be completed ASAP – SK
b) Work to the Clubhouse Roof
Agreed: Work completed and paid for
c) External wiring between office / main gate / greenhouse
Agreed: To get a quote from another electrician
d) Gating of green waste area
Work ongoing. Top end is designed for wheelbarrow entrance for
soft, green vegetive waste. Bottom entrance for ride on mower only.
SK will need the assistance of another volunteer to complete as it is
a two person job
Agreed: Volunteer to assist SK
e) Installation of Wi-Fi mast
Agreed: Completed
f) Repair of Honda mower
Agreed: Book in for first available appointment in August – JS
g) Shop rota
Agreed: Shop rota to be completed. If a board member cannot
meet the commitment, it is the individual’s responsibility to swap –
h) Response to complaint Re: plots 42 &43a
Areas in need of remedial action have been identified and agreed
with plot holder.
Agreed: A response to be sent to those that raised the complaint.
i) Details for Contact in the event of a bee swarm
Agreed: Information to be taken from clubhouse and copied to the
notice board – HM
3) Secretary’s Report
As disappointing as it is this role continues to remain vacant. The
Board have divided the tasks between themselves to cover as best
we can. We are looking for a plot holder with relevant skills to
volunteer to take over at least part of this post and ask that if anyone
is willing to do so please contact the Chair KD.
4) Letters/ Communications
i) There has been a further complaint from a householder
neighbouring the site regarding the activity on plot 91b. The original
complaint concerning the lighting of a fire was addressed by
members of the Board speaking to the plot holder and it is believed
it has been resolved.
The subsequent complaint regards the use of a BBQ on the plot. The
video evidence submitted clearly demonstrates the smoke that can
be seen is likely to have originated from the initial lighting of the
BBQ. The Board will check to position where the BBQ was used to
ensure it is away from the fence.
Agreed: KD to circulate video to all Board members. KD / HM to
draft a response to the neighbours
ii) A communication has been received from Tony Chase BALGAF
regarding Data Protection Regulations, now the organisation has
become a LTD company.
Agreed: RW to deal with the communication
5) Treasurer’s Report
RW congratulated MS and the volunteers on a very successful plant
He has created a new account, Account 3, for the LTD Company.

RW has submitted on return to Companies House and will need to
submit another in August. There are still some outstanding issues
regarding the Tax Liability. He has received advice from BALGAF Ltd.
Agreed: It may be necessary to engage the services of a specialist

Account balances as of July 2021
No.1 A/C £10,601.14
No.2 A/C £ 1,188.19
KHLG Ltd A/C £ 4,747.98
Savings A/C £ 0.90
Cash 1:2:3 £ 1,245.60
Total £14,913.38

6. Shop Report
KD reported that he banked £273.00 this month. There is still a
healthy float. There are only 3 jars of honey left for sale.
New stock will be arriving this week and KD would appreciate
volunteers to help with the unloading. He will upload a list of the
products for sale on the web page.
The shop accounts for July 2021 show an income of £2990.02
HM has volunteered for shop duty this Sunday. We still need a
volunteer for the hiring.

7. Site Manager’s Report
MS presented a written report and apologised for the change of day.
Plumbing: Repair to the leak in the old black pipe near plot 73 is still
outstanding, awaiting volunteers to dig and investigate, as is also the
two new taps on ‘Hempstead Row’.
Plant sales: There are still a few plants for sale. The tomatoes have
been re- potted for cropping in the greenhouse.
HM, JS, MS carried out the plot inspections on Tuesday instead of
Wednesday as advertised due to HM having a prior commitment.
The following plots were judged to be uncultivated: –
2, 24a, 26a, 62b2, 79, 88, 89a.
6 plots have received notices to cut long grass and 5 to tidy up/
remove rubbish.
Several NTQ’s are now ready to be served as the grace period has
A separate, detailed report has been produced for plot 42 & 43a.
Infrastructure: The erecting of a picket fence behind the car park is
still outstanding, but the logs are gradually being replaced.
Machinery: No problems reported.
JS and volunteers continue to mow the grassed communal paths.
Volunteers are still mowing and maintaining the orchard and
memorial garden on Tuesdays.
The choir continue to meet each Monday and hope to continue.
Environmental matters: MS is trialling some peat free compost in the
small greenhouse and monitoring the results.
The site is in much need of TLC. After the Covid restrictions are lifted
we need to organise a volunteer weekend.

Plot 42 &43a
A monitoring inspection took place on Tuesday 6 th July. Almost all of
the urgent items listed had been addressed, however MS received
and Email from the plot holder to explain that they have been
‘pinged’ and is required to self-isolate for 1 week. Work will be
continued as soon as it is possible to attend site.
The plot holder has only received category 1 notices.

8. Lettings Manager’s Report
SK advised the Board that there are two vineyards vacant, but no
other plots. Given it has become notoriously difficult to let vineyards
at the present time it was agreed to the offer to everyone on the
waiting list.
Agreed: To contact Waiting List applicants with an open offer for a
vineyard. SK
There are currently 63 people on the Waiting List (5 were picked up
from the KHLG account).
SK suggested that give the scarcity of plots it would be a good idea to
divide the larger plots into two as they become available.
Agreed: All

9. Health & Safety Issues
It is proposed by the Government to remove all the restrictions
currently in place to control the Covid -19 Pandemic on 19 th July
2021. As there are still several variant forms of the virus in circulation
and not all site users have had their double vaccinations, can plot

holders continue to exercise care when interacting in enclosed
spaces, please.

10) A.O.B
DP – Message from the Sydenham Singers to pass on their gratitude
to the Board for allowing them to use the green to rehearse. They
hope to continue on the green for two more weeks and then in the
clubhouse after 19 th July.
DP – Requested the clubhouse one evening after the 19 th for a
lecture to be held for Beekeepers. Agreed.
KD – The Green and clubhouse are booked for a Hen Night on 24 th
July 2021. They will supply a pop-up gazebo. Given they are paying
the full fee for this hire the clubhouse will need to be tidied, fittings
moved to the tent house or cage. Agreed: KD to organise help and
take away the clutter.
KD – The Green has been booked for 4 th September for a party. They
will be bringing a small gazebo. Agreed.
KD – The Water Board read the meter last Saturday.
KD – It was decided that machinery will now be loaned for a 1 hour
Agreed: All
KD – Wheelbarrows have gone missing as they are not being
returned to the manure cage at the end of the day. Many of them
have been seen on people’s plots full of rubbish.
Agreed: The Board will discuss the possibility of introducing a fine for
any plot holder found guilty of this practice.

Meeting Closed at 21.45


Kent House Leisure Garden Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 14 th June 2021
Present: Korehan Dora (KD), Reg Wickings (RW), Martin Spatcher (MS), John
Sissons (JS), Saeed Kanuga (SK), Antoni Pogozelski (AP), David Pipe (DP),
Heather Mallinder (HM).
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD welcomed Board members to the meeting. On behalf of the Board, he
wished to thank all the many volunteers that helped with the very successful
plant sale and those who continue to work on site regularly. He reminded two
Members that he still had not received their Resumes and requested that
they sent them to him without further delay.
KD voiced the concerns raised by SK in the last meeting about too few Board
Members on site on a regular basis, particularly at the weekend. He has not
been able to compile a rota for the shop as he is not aware of Members
availability. Only three members, KD included, have put themselves forward
for rota duty.
Agreed: There is a need for further discussion.

2. Minutes of Meeting 10 th May 2021
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from previous minutes.
Action Points outstanding
a) Repair to the fence adjacent to plot 72.
Agreed: Ongoing, to be completed ASAP – SK

b) Finishing the work to the clubhouse roof.
Completed. There is a query about the invoice that needs to be clarified.
Agreed: KD & SK to discuss with Don
c) External wiring between office/main gate and greenhouse.
Agreed: Electrician’s tender is too high. Work to be brought ‘in house’ – JS
d) Gating of green waste area.
SK has ordered two gates. Delivery due on Friday. SK
e) Installation of Wi-Fi mast.
Agreed: Completed – KD
f) Repair of Honda Mower
Agreed: JS to take it to the Honda service dept. -JS
g) Response from Sally Ebrahimi letter
Agreed: Sally no longer wishes to pursue the sharing option.
h) No dogs allowed sign for back gate.
Agreed: Completed -HM
i) Permanent street number on front entrance.
RW has ordered a sign
j) Opening times sign for shop
Agreed: Completed HM
k) PPE sign for machine room
Agreed: Completed AP
l) Purchase of pots for polytunnel
100 pots have been donated to site.

Agreed: To put order back to the next occasion KD/ MS
m) Recruitment of new Board Members
Agreed: Needs further discussion.
3. Secretary’s Report
The role still remains vacant. If any plot holder would like to volunteer for this
position, please contact the Chair KD.
4. Letter / Communications
a) There have been a couple of requests to use motorcycle / bicycle googles
and helmets instead of the correct PPE when borrowing mowers and
strimmers. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed: This is not appropriate as
it would not offer adequate protection. Machines will only be given out on
production of correct PPE. There is still some equipment for sale at cost price
from the machine room.
b) A complaint has been received concerning the condition of plots 42 & 43a.
As the complaint was received at 5.00pm on the day of the meeting only two
Board Members have seen it. It was agreed: To circulate email to the full
Board for discussion. Members can respond to KD by email.
c) There appears to be some confusion about the number of Email addresses
there are for KHLG Ltd. KD has identified three. RW sends the waiting list
Email requests directly to SK. Agreed: RW/ KD to discuss and clarify.
d) A complaint has been received about the lack of publicity on the Plant sale.
The Board was surprised as it was advertised in the communique’ Plotting
Together and was recorded in the minutes and there is notice on the A board
advertising the plant sale.
5. Treasurer’s Report
RW has had to move some funds from the savings account to pay the water
MS & JW have been retrieving the cash for the plant sales and passing to RW
for banking. MS is happy to grow plants for sale but does not wish to be

involved in the sale of them.
No.1 A/C – £ 12,125.31
No.2 A/C – £ 1,541.60
Savings A/C – £ 0.87
Cash & Cheques £ 1,264.25
Total £ 14,932.03
KHLG Ltd Rent Received Account
Bank Transfer – £3660.31
Cheques – £1107.81
Cash – £752.46
Total – £5520.58

6. Shop Report
KD advised the Board that £616 .60 has been paid into the bank. There is a
balance of £122, most of which will go to the beekeepers. The last bag of
compost has been sold. There are a few bags of farmyard manure left. There
is still a problem arranging the delivery of fresh manure. KD will endeavour to
sort it.
KD has spoken to Horticultural Supplies and will arrange a delivery. The
earliest date available is 12 th July. KD to place an order. If anyone wants
something specific, please advise KD.
Agreed: KD still to produce a rota for Sunday opening. AP to cover this
Safety Equipment (PPE) is available for sale in the machine room to allow plot
holders to have their own set and prevent the spread of infection. No

motorised machinery will be hired out without the appropriate PPE. Hiring
will only take place on a Sunday. Machines hire at other times will be at the
individual Board members discretion.
Shop takings as of 14 th June 2021 – £2780.02
MS submitted a written report to the meeting.
Plumbing; The leak in the old black piping near plot 73 is still outstanding,
awaiting volunteers to dig out and investigate. Two new taps to be added to
the system on ‘Hempstead Row’ at the front and rear of plot 90a to make
watering easier for drumbeat.
Plant sales; The good weather over the Bank Holiday weekend resulted in a
very successful sale generating a large sum of money. Plants are still available
for sale.
MS, JS & HM carried out a site inspection last Wednesday.
The following plots were uncultivated: – 19, 16, 17b 62b2, 88, 79. The last five
are long term problems and a way forward needs to be discussed.
25 plots received notices to cut long grass and 6 to tidy up/ remove rubbish.
Infrastructure; The construction of a picket fence behind the car park is
Machinery; A Honda self-propelled mower has been donated to the site
which is working and can be lent out.

JS and volunteers continue to mow the communal areas and paths as well a
maintaining the orchard and memorial garden on Tuesdays.
The choir held a very successful practice last Monday and hope to continue
each week.
Environmental matters; Peat free compost will be stocked in the shop when
We would once again like to remind plot holders to take their rubbish home
when they go. Especially drinks cans and bottles which should be recycled and
not left near the clubhouse or even the toilets!
SK reported that all the plots have now been let. There are 56 people on the
waiting list. One plot may shortly to become available we have been advised
the plot holder does not have the time to deal with it. RW awaiting written
8. Health & Safety Issues
As the restrictions around Covid -19 are relaxed it is vital to remember that it
is around in variant forms. The rule of HAND (regular washing for 20 seconds)
FACE (masks must be worn inside) SPACE (2 metres apart inside and at least 1
metre outside) still applies at present. Thank you for your co-operation. The

final lifting of the rules has been postponed for at least 4 weeks, therefore
current rules remain in place.
9. A.O.B
KD – has received a request from one Board Member to resume meeting in
person. HM advised that as the current rules are still in place only 6 can meet
in the clubroom at any one time.
DP – advised that the beekeepers’ buzzer on the gate is working.
RW – asked for the details of contacts in the event of a swam of bees being
found to be placed on the noticeboard as well as the front gate.
AP – asked for the key to the yard to move the trailer. There are two keys for
Board Members only kept in the office.
SK – advised that a new plot holder was interested in revamping the website.
Agreed: RW & KD to make contact and discuss.

Balance as of June 2021
7. Site Manager’s Report
7. Lettings Manager’s Report
Meeting Closed at 21.40
Kent House Leisure Garden Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 10 th May 2021
Present: Korehan Dora, Reg Wickings, Martin Spatcher, John Sissons, Saeed
Kanuga, Antoni Pogozelski, David Pipe, Heather Mallinder.

1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD welcomed Board members to the meeting. On behalf of the Board, he
wished to thank all the volunteers that helped with the Bonfire last month and
taking delivery of the stock for the shop. He congratulated MS for a very
successful plant sale and thanked all the volunteers that produced the plants.
KD particularly wanted to thank all those on site that help out regularly
without asking for any recognition, but without whose efforts the site would
be the poorer.
KD would like to remind the Members that had not as yet sent him their
Resume to please do so ASAP. He thanked those that had.
Letters / Communications
KD advised Members there had been no response to the letter sent to Sally
Ebrahimi. KD to chase.
RW advised MS and SK that the request to give up half of plot 9b has been
received in writing.
Cheryl Coyne has given up plot 18. The bike is to be removed and stored
elsewhere awaiting collection.
MS asked if the rule on dogs on site had been relaxed as Pam had advised him
that she was told that one plot holder had two dogs on a plot near the back
Agreed: The Board need to address this issue at once and ensure a sign is
displayed by the back gate advising plot holders no dogs are allowed. – HM

KD asked RW to order a permanent sign with the street number for the site by
the main gate as the temporary one is falling apart.
KD has been approached by plot holders complaining about the use of a plot to
store a two wheeled trailer.
Agreed: As the trailer is available for site work on open days it may be stored
in the compound.
KD advised that as this item has taken longer than first envisaged it should be
moved to the Secretary’s Report.
2. Minutes of Meeting 21 st April 2021.
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from previous minutes.
Action Points outstanding.
a) Repair to the fence adjacent to plot 72.
Agreed: Ongoing, to be completed ASAP – SK.
b) Finishing the work to the clubhouse roof.
Still outstanding.
Agreed: KD to contact Don and remind him of his promise to complete in two
weeks. Also he needs to remove all of his equipment from the clubhouse ASAP.
c) External wiring between office/main gate and greenhouse.
Agreed: Electrician to attend site on Wednesday to assess the plans for
rewiring and check the date for the next PAC test. Also look at a new light in
the Machine Room. – JS
d) Gating of green waste area.

SK has ordered two gates. Due for delivery in 10 – 12 days.
Agreed: Ongoing – SK.
Agreed: Ongoing- KD will sort out ASAP
f) Repair of Honda Mower
Agreed: JS to take a look at it prior to taking to the Honda service dept. -JS
g) Purchase of a Battery-Operated Mower
Agreed: HM to donate small mower to site to help assess what is required. –
h) Setting a Provisional Date for AGM
Agreed: Sunday 12 th September 2021 – provisional
i) Setting a Provisional Date for Autumn Open Day
Agreed: Sunday 19 th September 2021 – provisional
None. The role still remains vacant. If any plot holder would like to volunteer
for this post please contact the Chair KD.
Balance as of May 2021
No.1 A/C – £ 12,325.79
No.2 A/C – £ 888. 51
Savings A/C – £ 1,672.87
Cash & Cheques £ 171.25
Total £15,058.42
Bank Transfer – £3540.97

Cheques – £1039.41
Cash – £739.64
Total – £5320.02 2 Rents Unpaid
KD advised the Board that since the delivery of supplies on 28 th April he has
taken over £100 in sales and will now need to re-order. MS requested that he
re-order the square pots for the polytunnel. The price rise on some products
reflects the rise in the cost from Horticultural Supplies.
KD would like to remind Members that money from the sale of manure should
go into the tin in the office. Price £1.00 per barrow.
KD has personally opened the shop each Sunday but will now be drafting and
circulating a rota for the board. The shop is officially open each Sunday from
10.00 am – 1.00pm. Access at any other time will be at the Board members
Agreed: KD to draft rota. HM to produce a sign for the shop advising plot
holders of the opening times. -HM
Safety Equipment (PPE) is available for sale in the shop to allow plot holders to
have their own set and prevent the spread of infection. No motorised
machinery will be hired out without the appropriate PPE. Hiring will only take
place on a Sunday. Machines hire at other times will be at the individual Board
members discretion.
Shop takings as of 10 th May 2021 – £2163.52
The shop needs more honey please. A request to the Beekeepers.
MS submitted a written report to the meeting.

A leak in the old pipe near plot 73 is suspected, as the surrounding area is
permanently wet. It will need to be dug out to find the cause, hopefully next
Plant sales: MS hopes to start selling tender bedding plants next week and
tomatoes etc by the end of the month. Sales to date are around £300.
MS, JS & HM carried out a site inspection last Wednesday. The following plots
were uncultivated.
The same 10 as last month (2 are covered by bereavement and ill health). One
plot holder has given up half of the plot as unable to manage it all.
Additionally, plots 33b, 34b and 89a have been added.
It was also noted that several plots had uncut paths and long grass.
Infrastructure: Volunteers have removed and burnt the diseased box hedges. It
is hopped to it replace with a picket fence along the back of the car-park.
MS has sold one set of ear defenders; others use their own. We need to
remove the closed sign from the machine room and put up a sign advising plot
holders that they must have their own PPE before they can borrow machinery.
Agreed: HM to produce a sign.
JS and volunteers continue to mow the grassed areas and have been
maintaining the orchard and memorial garden on Tuesdays.
Environmental matters: Plants are sold in single use plastic square pots, which
are currently non-recyclable with no viable alternative. The last batch was
bought via the shop in 2017 @ £130 and has just run out. We are currently
using 2 nd hand round pots. MS proposes to purchase another batch which
should last for another 5 years. By which time it is hopped that the Local
Authority will have improved the recycling offer. ( A fair number are returned
to the polytunnel for re-use.)
unimpressed with any product he has tried. Stuart has given MS a sample of
‘Westland Compost’ which seems workable and he will set up a trial when less

Please note that Drum-Beat are back on site Wednesdays and Fridays. It is

hoped that plot holders make an effort to be friendly and make allowance.
‘Foxey’ was working on the poplar tree by the entrance on Monday which
restricted access at times. (In return we get wood chippings and logs for the
back of the car -park). They forgot to leave it this time. DP thought they might
have left the logs in the bee area.
Agreed: HM to chase Foxey
AP queried a notice. KD agreed to pass it over to him.
KD advised meeting that Liz Cranwell-Ward had offered to sell all surplice
plants through her shop. MS responded by explaining that he intended to
propose a ‘Family Day’ over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend where he was
hoping to increase the plant sales. Need to give plot holders notice of this
SK reported there are 60 people on the waiting list for a plot with 4.5 plots
currently vacant. He will arrange a viewing for 5 prospective plot holders on
the weekend coming up.
Agreed: SK to contact applicants for a viewing.
As the restrictions around Covid -19 are relaxed it is vital to remember that it
is around in variant forms. The rule of HAND (regular washing for 20 seconds)
FACE (masks must be worn inside) SPACE (2 metres apart inside and at least 1
metre outside) still applies at present. Thank you for your co-operation.
RW – will be chasing the two outstanding rents due this week. One of the plot
holders is currently unwell.
HM – reported a case of petty larceny as the connecter from her green house
guttering to the down pipe in the water but has mysteriously disappeared.
Agreed: Members will keep an eye open for it.

SK – was unhappy about the number of Members on site during the week. He
feels it is the same people all the time.
Agreed: The time has come to recruit more Members to the Board. KD / HM to
look at a recruiting / interviewing process for suitable plot holders.
KD – will produce and circulate a rota for Sunday shop duty. May be worth
creating a separate rota for Sunday machine hire.
AP – is available for Sunday duties.
DP – feels that plot holders are well served by this Board as the facilities
available and services they receive are unrivalled by any other site in the area.
SK – agreed, but would still like to see more members on site regularly.

e) Installation of Wi-Fi mast.
3. Secretary’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
KHLG Ltd Rent Received Account
5. Shop Report
6. Site Manager’s Report
For the foreseeable future we will have to use peat-free compost. MS is
7. Lettings Manager’s Report
8. Health & Safety Issues.
9. A.O.B
Meeting Closed at 21.46
Kent House Leisure Garden Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 21 st April 2021
Present: Korehan Dora, Reg Wickings, Martin Spatcher, John Sissons, Saeed
Kanuga, Antoni Pogozelski, David Pipe, Heather Mallinder.
1. Chairs Opening Remarks

KD welcomed Board members to the meeting and apologised for the technical
glitch that arose last week causing the scheduled meeting to be cancelled. On
behalf of the Board he wised to thank all of the volunteers who were present
on Tuesday and Saturday to help with the site work, especially those unsung
heroes who quietly contribute to the maintenance of the site on a regular
2. Minutes of Meeting 8 th March 2021.
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from previous minutes.
Action Points outstanding.
a) Repair to the fence adjacent to plot 72.
Agreed: Ongoing, to be completed ASAP – SK. HM /SK to speak the Angus and
Ji to find out where the rubbish left on the verge came from.
b) Finishing the work to the clubhouse roof.
KD updated the meeting on the slow progress being made. Don has promised
to finish in the next two weeks but will need some help with the guttering and
down pipe.
Agreed: SK to contact Don and arrange a time to assist.
c) External wiring between office/main gate and greenhouse.

Agreed: Ongoing for too long -JS to contact the electrician and if he is still not
available another needs to be appointed.
d) Gating of green waste area.
SK to order the fencing and make a start with KD’s help at the weekend.
Agreed: Ongoing – SK.
e) Installation of Wi-Fi mast.
Agreed: Ongoing- KD / Ben need to arrange a suitable time.
f) Replacement of upstands over the winter months.
MS reported the work has been completed.
g) Repair to tap plot 74/58b with additional tap for the Chicken plot.
MS reported the work has been completed.
h) Removal of rubbish from the cage.
Agreed: Fencing to be repaired, gate secured with a padlock and KD to order a
skip to clear away accumulating rubbish.
i) KHLG Ltd tax status.
RW found the advice from Ian Wood very helpful. HM thanked Ian on behalf
of the Board.

j) Overhaul of lawnmowers.
JS has found that No.10 mower is not working properly and needs to be seen
by a Honda Service Dept. SK has spoken to Honda in Seven Oaks. They will look
at it and it might be covered under the guarantee.
JS has repaired No.12 which is now working properly.
Agreed: SK to pass details to KD. KD to make an appointment and take to
service dept. with MS and JS.
k) Repair to main Drive
SK advised that the job has been completed. The Board wished to thank all the
volunteers that took part in the operation and did all the heavy lifting.
l) Enquiries to web page without response.
Agreed: KD /RW to regularly interrogate the emails until a solution can be
found to elicit a prompt from the system.
3. Secretary’s Report
None. The role still remains vacant.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of April 2021

No.1 A/C – £ 12,725.83
No.2 A/C – £ 1,156.89
Savings A/C – £ 1,672.87
Cash & Cheques £ 227.84
Total £15,783.43
KHLG Ltd Rent Received Account
Bank Transfer – £3175.08
Cheques – £981.89
Cash – £636.20
Total – £4796.17
14 Rents Unpaid.
5. Shop Report
KD advised the Board that a large order of supplies will be arriving on
Wednesday 28 th April at 11.00 – 11.30 am. He requested all Board members to
be present to unload please.
After the 28th the shop will open on each Sunday from 10.00 am – 1.00pm as
usual. Access at any other time will be at the Board members discretion.
10 sets of Safety Equipment (PPE) to be purchased for the shop to sell to allow

plot holders to have their own set and prevent the spread of infection. No
motorised machinery will be hired out without the appropriate PPE. Hiring will
only take place on a Sunday. Machines hire at other times will be at the
individual Board members discretion.
Agreed: A shop rota to be set for the rest of the year.
Shop takings as of 11 April 2021 – £1678.52
The shop has sold 29 jars of honey. £203 has been passed to Linda Pipe for the
6. Site Manager’s Report
MS advised that Drumbeat will be returning to the site on Wednesday.
MS submitted a written report to the Board. The raised bed needs filling. Two
new taps have been fitted and the water has been turned on. Plant sales have
begun with cabbages, leeks and herbs. The money should be put in the office
letterbox with a note of what has been purchased.
JS, HM and MS carried out a site inspection on Wednesday 7 th April and MS
was pleasantly surprised by the general condition for the time of year. The
following plots remained uncultivated.
Plot 2, 18, 9b 11b1, 16/17, 47b, 26a, 62b2, 76a, 88, 79.
Agreed: RW to contact these plot holders.
There is an interesting article on dead hedges in the 2021 NAS magazine (p63).
The idea is to lay woody pruning’s between pairs of stakes and compressed. As
the material breaks down it can be added to. MS wishes to adopt the idea and
construct in spare corners to avoid the need for bonfires.
JS and volunteers have been mowing the grass paths. A group of regular

volunteers have been mowing and maintaining the orchard and memorial
garden on Tuesdays. It is hoped to move the citrus trees this week, prior to
The list of ad-hoc jobs on the notice board has been removed as it has become
an eye sore and only one job was achieved.
7. Lettings Manager’s Report
SK reported there are currently 3 vacant plots 14a, 65 and 91b. 58 are
currently on the waiting list. The top 3 people are not ready to take a plot.
There needs to be better communication between board members as although
some knew that Mr & Mrs Best had vacated their plot SK did not. HM thought
RW had copied the Board into the email from them.
Agreed: HM to add an agenda item to Chairs opening address for
Correspondence / Communication
All notice of relinquished plots must be in writing. An email will suffice.

8. Health & Safety Issues.
As the restrictions around Covid -19 are gradually relaxed it is vital to
remember that it is still around in variant form. The rule of HAND (regular
washing for 20 seconds) – FACE (masks must be worn inside) – SPACE (2
metres apart inside and at least 1 metre outside still applies. Thank you for
your diligence.
9. A.O.B
JS suggested reinstating the process of recording the names of volunteers
when contributing to site work.
Agreed: All
MS will be organising a bonfire Tuesday 27 th April as wood is beginning to build
up again.
Agreed: All
KD would like all Board members to submit a short Resume of the role that
they play that is key to the running of the site. He suggests that training may
be appropriate in some cases. This is to ensure we share out the duties of the
Secretary while the position remains vacant
Agreed: All
KD is concerned by the amount of rubbish being brought onto the site and left
on plots when they become vacant. There was an example of a new plot
holder wanting to clear the plot and put the rubbish in the pound. He wants
this curtailed ASAP through Plot Inspections highlighting any plot with an
abundance of accumulated rubbish and the plot holder written to and asked to
remove it.

Action : MS, HM, JS, RW
KD has received an Email from a plot holder who can no longer manage the
whole plot and wishes to share.
Action: KD, SK to discuss.
KD as the children will be on site from next week all cleaning fluids to be
removed from the lavatories.
Action: Already achieved.
SK Suggested buying a battery operated mower for plot holders unable to use
the petrol powered machines.
Agreed: All
PG Asked that a Date for the AGM be set as soon as the Covid restrictions
allow. He also asked for a provisional date for the Autumn Open Day.
Agreed: To be discussed as soon as there are clear guidelines on easing the
Covid restrictions.
DP Has an abundance of scaffolding poles, an Arc Welder and a bench clamp
he is happy to donate to the site.
Agreed: Yes please.
Meeting Closed at 21.47
Kent House Leisure Garden Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 8 th March 2021

Present: Korehan Dora, Reg Wickings, Martin Spatcher, John Sissons, Saeed
Kanuga, Antoni Pogozelski, Heather Mallinder.
Apologies: David Pipe
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD welcomed Board members to the meeting and thanked HM for the agenda
and minutes. He thanked SK for laying the slabbed path by the raised bed and
commented on the high quality of the work. Thanks were also given to Ben for
bringing the slabs single handed to the site.
2. Minutes of Meeting 8 th February 2021.
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from previous minutes.
Action Points outstanding.
a) Repair to the fence adjacent to plot 72.
Agreed: Ongoing, to be completed when weather improves. – SK
b) Finishing the work to the clubhouse roof.

KD updated the meeting on progress advising members that he had purchased
the roofing sheet and had it delivered to Don’s workshop. He is waiting for an
update from Don on progress. MS has spoken to Don and agreed to help when
he needs it.
Agreed: KD to continue to monitor and advise Don to text KD or SK when
c) External wiring between office/main gate and greenhouse.
JS advised the meeting that the electrician who is currently isolating is still
awaiting the vaccination. He will attend site once he is able.
Agreed: Ongoing -JS.
d) Gating of green waste area.
SK hopes to make a start as soon as the weather improves.
Agreed: Ongoing – SK.
e) Installation of Wi-Fi mast.
Agreed: Ongoing- KD / Ben
f) Replacement of upstands over the winter months.
MS reported that there is one more to complete by plot 73.
Agreed: Ongoing – MS
g) Repair to tap plot 74/58b with additional tap for the Chicken plot.
MS reported that volunteers have dug a slip trench and is now waiting for a
spare day to lay the pipe.
Agreed: Ongoing
h) Removal of rubbish from the cage to the tip.
There is some glass left leaning on the brown shed. RW has written to the plot
Agreed: Ongoing- KD / HM
i) KHLG Ltd tax status.
Ian Wood has been advising RW on the various steps needed to be a position
to register with HMRC which RW has found very helpful. RW now in a position
to register as a micro entity for tax purposes.
Agreed: HM to convey thanks from the board to Ian.
j) Site shop stock taking.

MS and HM completed stock taking. The document has been left in the office
for KD.
Agreed: KD to include in 2020 balance sheet.
k) Images posted on KHLG website.
KD has created a gallery of Board members from photos he found.
Agreed: SK to forward a new photo.
l) Fixing new lavatory seat in the Gents.
KD has put graphite powder and WD40 in the front gate lock which has made it
far easier to operate. MS will fit new seat in the Gents after Pam has cleaned
the block.
m) Overhaul of lawnmowers.
JS has found that one of the new mowers is not working properly.
Agreed: SK to contact Links Motors who supplied the mowers as it is believed
they are still under guarantee. Purchased on 3 September 2019 but not
serviced due to Covid Lockdown.

n) Repair to Main Drive
SK will order the MOT when he has a firm commitment from 3 /4 volunteers to
help move from the top of the drive when it is delivered.
Agreed: KD to organise volunteers and let SK know when to order MOT.
o) Enquiries to web page without response.
KD advised members that he thought the information would be going directly
to RW although RW is not receiving them.
Agreed: KD to load a new contact page and update page information to
develop the website. He is experiencing a clash with Word Press and
Elementor which he needs to test.
3. Secretary’s Report
None. The role still remains vacant.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of 7 th March 2021
No.1 A/C – £ 12,460.18
No.2 A/C – £ 1,406.62
Savings A/C – £ 1,672.83
Cash & Cheques £351.25 Total 15,890.88
KHLG Ltd Rent Received Account – £ 1,970.34
Cheques – £673.59
Cash – £249.90
Total – £2893.83
81 Rents Paid
57 Rents Unpaid.
5. Shop Report
KD told members that the I.O.U system is not working as there is over £60
outstanding of unpaid debt, while others had paid but it hadn’t been ticked off.
Agreed: To stop all credit immediately. 6 Agreed / 1 abstention.
MS reported that there was £21 worth of products for 2021 taken from the
shop for the polytunnel. RW to repay from the main account.
Shop takings as of 5 th March 2021 -£41.40
Cash in Hand – £90.00
Total Income- £1370.50
10 Jars of Honey left for sale. Total honey sold from shop was 29.
6. Site Manager’s Report
MS submitted a written report to the Board advising that SK had cut and laid
the slabs for the path by the raised bed and side of the polytunnel. Ben had
supplied and delivered the slabs. The raised bed will be repainted with
Cuprinol brown. Volunteers are still needed to fetch the soil from the green
waste area.
Rosemary has restored the herbaceous beds and vine in the Memorial Garden.
Volunteers have cut a slip trench for the new tap by the chicken plot. MS has
the pipes and fittings ready but is waiting for a spare day to lay the pipes.
Plant Sales
Peppers will soon be ready for pricking out. Emma has sown tomatoes in the
propagator in the new greenhouse. RW / SK/ HM have volunteered to grow
herbs. HM has sown a range of herbs in propagators in her conservatory but so
far only the tarragon and thyme have germinated.
There will not be a May Open Day this year plants will be sold as and when
they become ready. MS hopes to extend the selling period by growing more
perennials than usual. Ideas for regulation of plant sales would be welcome.
7. Lettings Manager’s Report
SK reported there are currently 4 vacant plots and 66a has been let via a virtual
viewing. The vacant plots left are 64a 65a 14a 52a. After a detailed discussion,
it was agreed that 53a will become an extension of the grassed area. MS
suggested planting Meadow seeds.
There are currently 55 on the waiting list.
11 No Response have been removed.
18 remain to be contacted.
8. Health & Safety Issues.
SK reported that the stump from the apple tree has been dealt with.
The Board would like to remind plot holders that it is a matter of individual
responsibility to keep each other safe. As covered in the current issue of
‘Plotting Together’ if any plot holder noticed a safety issue it is incumbent
upon them to take the appropriate action or ask for help in doing so.
The current Government advice to reduce the incidence of this transmitting
Covid-19 is to behave ‘As If’ you are Covid-19 positive and follow the rules of
HAND – FACE – SPACE. Thank you.
9. A.O.B
Gents Lavatory.
Agreed: KD still needs to buy the grouting cleaner.
HM Suggested that now KHLG Ltd has a formal board some training might help.
KD suggested combining it with an away day culminating in celebration.
Agreed: All
MS requested setting up a ban on all but Black or Green netting as the vibrant
colours being introduced onto plots must be an eyesore for people living in the
surrounding flats. There is also a gradual creep of double glazing and widows
being brought onto the site as well a some ugly Virgin Money boards being
used as wind breakers. All agreed.
Agreed: As a ban would be difficult to enforce SK has offered to have a ‘quiet
word’ with the offenders.
MS suggested that members begin to lend out machinery again after
purchasing safety equipment available for purchase from the Board as
communal use of equipment cannot guarantee control of the Covid virus. The
machinery will be wiped down by Board members between hiring’s.
Agreed: KD to investigate the advice given by the National Allotment
Association. Once hiring begins the onus will be on the individual plot holder to
produce their own equipment as machines will not be issued without it.
KD advised the meeting that JW had asked for the roofing sheet by the winery.
Agreed: Sorry no there is a use identified for it on site.
KD advised that Peri had asked to purchase the electric organ in the clubroom.
Agreed: Will sell for £20 as long as she takes both organ and stands.
RW advised he has received no response to the plot condition letters he sent out.
RW has received a complaint from a plot holder over 60yrs old that they are
not getting the agreed discount. RW has credited them this year’s rent in
compensation as it is 50% reduction of rent over 60. Plot holders are advised
to claim if they fall into this category.
Meeting Closed at 9.36 pm
Kent House Leisure Garden Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 8th February 2021
Present: Korehan Dora, Reg Wickings, Martin Spatcher, John Sissons,
David Pipe, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder.
Apologies: Antoni Pogozelski
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD welcomed those present and advised the meeting that AP was unable to attend
due to a pressing matter and had given his apologies. He thanked HM for the minutes

and agenda. He also thanked RW for the draft letter Re: the poor condition of several
plots and the pilot virtual lettings exercise he had successfully concluded.
2. Minutes of Meeting 11th January 2021.
3. The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from previous minutes.
Action Points outstanding.
a) Repair to the fence adjacent to plot 72.
Agreed: Ongoing, to be completed when weather improves. – SK
1. b) Finishing the work to the clubhouse roof.
KD updated the meeting on progress. Don has contacted KD and advised that he will
be on site at the weekend and finish if weather permits, otherwise he will work inside
on the fire door trim and paintwork.
Agreed: KD to monitor.
1. c) External wiring between office/main gate and greenhouse.
2. JS advised the meeting that the electrician who is currently isolated is
still awaiting the vaccination. He will attend the site once he is able.
3. Agreed: Ongoing -JS.
1. d) Gating of green waste area.

SK hopes to make a start as soon as the weather improves.
Agreed: Ongoing – SK.
1. e) Installation of Wi-Fi mast.
Agreed: Ongoing- KD / Ben
1. f)  Purchase of engine hoist.
Agreed: JS has purchased and is waiting for reimbursement -RW
1. g) Replacement of upstands over the winter months.
MS reported that Ben has made a start, with two more to be completed.
Agreed: Ongoing – MS
1. h) Repair to tap plot 74/58b with additional tap for the Chicken plot.
Agreed: MS reported that work will begin when the weather allows.
1.i) Removal of rubbish from the cage to the tip.
Agreed: Ongoing- KD / HM
1. j) KHLG Ltd tax status.
Agreed: Ongoing. Ian Wood has kindly agreed to advise the Board on the steps
needed to complete this item. – RW
1. k)  Site shop stock taking.
Agreed: Ongoing. KD to send file to MS & HM for a Covid-19  safe stock take
when the weather improves.
1.l) Letters to plot holders with persistently unkept plots.
Agreed: Draft letter agreed. RW to send out with the rent demands.
1. m) Enquiry from LB Bromley.
Agreed: KD has responded as agreed.
1. n) Posting draft minutes KHLG website.
Agreed: KD has uploaded the minutes but is disappointed to see how few plot
holders have read them. HM advised that the minutes are now displayed on the
notice board outside the office.
1. o) Images posted on KHLG website.
Agreed: KD has created a gallery of images to show projects including the new
greenhouse and raised beds using word press. Thanks to MS for spotting the
Latin script. Will be creating a gallery of Board members to allow plot holders
to identify them. Photos to KD, please.
1. p) Enquiries to web page without response.
Agreed:  KD to revamp the contact form and inquiry area and add a reminder
prompt to trigger a response. -KD
3. Secretary’s Report
None. The role remains vacant.
4. Treasurer’s Report
RW advised the Board that the company will need to be activated from when
the lease was signed and he is working to create a KHLG micro-entity for tax
He will send Ian the information he has asked for ASAP.
Agreed – all
Balance as of 7th February 2021
No.1 A/C –      £   12,433.17
No.2 A/C –      £    1,583.28
Savings A/C –  £    1,672.83
Cash & Cheques   £261.25
Total                £ 15,950.53
5. Shop Report
KD told the Board that it was extremely difficult to access the shop as the site gate
padlock had frozen as well as the lock on the shop. There is £41.40 cash in hand
which will be banked. MS to provide details of the purchases for the polytunnel.
Shop takings as of 10th January 2021
Agreed: Stocktaking to be done as and when circumstances permit. MS / HM. KD
to pass 2020 list to MS and HM for reference.
6. Site Manager’s Report
MS advised the Board that Ben had brought the last of the soil to the raised bed.
MS has prepared a list of jobs that can be completed by one or two volunteers
unsupervised. It is displayed on the notice board outside the office. Any jobs
completed should be reported to MS. So far none have been done.
7. Lettings Manager’s Report
SK reported there are currently 6 vacant plots and 2 let. The vacant plots are

66a / 65a  /64a /68a /52a / 53 /14a, 15b / 78b have been let.
It is still SK’s intention to organize individual viewings that are covid-19 safe as soon
as possible to get them let before they become overgrown. The use of virtual viewings
is a step forward in technology.
RW will complete the letters to 26 people on the waiting list that have so far not responded
to the update letter. There were 41positive responses requesting to remain on the list. 9 are to
be removed as no longer interested, with 26 who have not responded.
8. Health & Safety Issues.
KD reported that an apple tree on Hasan’s plot has been cut down and needs to be made
safe. SK to attend.
The Board would like to remind plot holders that it is a matter of individual responsibility to
keep each other safe. As covered in the current issue of ‘Plotting Together’ if any plot holder
noticed a safety issue it is incumbent upon them to take the appropriate action or ask for help
in doing so.
The current Government advice to reduce the incidence of this transmitting Covid-19 is to
behave ‘As If’  you are Covid-19  positive and follow the rules of HAND – FACE – SPACE”.
Thank you.
9. A.O.B
MS Passed on a request from Pam to replace the lavatory seat in the gents, the grouting needs
cleaning and a coat of paint needed.
Agreed: KD will buy the seat and grouting.
JS Will start repairing the wheels on the lawnmowers and checking them over. He will also
buy petrol.
Agreed by all
KD received a complaint from the plot holders on the lower part of the site regarding the

recent flooding of their plots. He queried whether the brook was blocked. MS advised that
the land drains may be blocked.
Agreed: Need to look at ways of minimizing the impact of heavy rain on the lower part of
the site. – All
KD Raised the issue of flooding to the entrance of the site. He advised the Board that he
would buy 3 bags of MOT and was looking for volunteers to help spread it over the driveway.

Agreed: All
The meeting closed at 9.33 p.m.
Kent House Leisure Garden Ltd Board Meeting
Held online: 11th January 2021
Present: Korehan Dora, Reg Wickings, Martin Spatcher, Antoni Pogozelski, JohnSissions,
David Pipe, Heather Mallinder.Apologies: Saeed Kanuga.
1. Chairs Opening Remarks
KD welcomed attendees and wished everyone a Happy New Year. He advised those present
that SK was unfortunately unable to attend and had given his apologies.
2. Minutes of Meeting 14 th December 2020.
KD informed the Board that he had made an error in the shop accounts regarding the sale of
Honey. He will amend this in the published minutes. The minutes were then agreed as an accurate
record of the meeting. Further Matters Arising from previous minutes.
Action Points outstanding.
a) Repair to the fence adjacent to plot 72. Agreed: Ongoing and needs to be completed. – SK
b) Finishing the work to the clubhouse roof.

KD updated the meeting on progress. Don has added a new plywood sheet and sealed the edges,
KD will monitor for any leaks. Since his bereavement Don has been granted more time to complete
the job but has assured KD he has ordered the sheet metal and will complete the work, together with
the guttering next week.
Agreed: KD to monitor.
c) Construction of walkways to raised beds.
MS confirmed the walkways have been completed.
d) External wiring between office/main gate and greenhouse.
JS has contacted the electrician who is currently isolating, awaiting the vaccination.
He will attend site once this has been achieved.
Agreed: Ongoing -JS.
e) Gating of green waste area.
As it is a job that requires more than one person it remains ongoing in the present
climate. Agreed: Ongoing – All.
f) Installation of Wi-Fi mast.

Agreed: Ongoing- All
g) Purchase of engine hoist.
Agreed: JS to purchase and give the invoice to RW for reimbursement
h) Replacement of upstands over the winter months.
MS reported that the work had begun. Ben has cut the angle iron to length with points
at one end. They will be primed and painted later.
Agreed: Ongoing – MS
i) Repair to tap plot 74/58b with additional tap for the Chicken plot.
Agreed: As the work requires several people working together it will be put back until
current restrictions are lifted.
j) Tidying of the clubhouse.
Agreed: Completed thanks to JW. The items have been moved to the cabin.
k) Tidying of Office.
Agreed: Ongoing. KD has removed most of the rubbish and while doing so found the
file for PAT testing.
l) Removal of rubbish from outside the greenhouse.
Agreed: Ongoing. MS has moved the rubbish but it still needs to be disposed of
when safe. KD / HM.

m) KHLG Ltd tax status.RW has spoken to the Solicitor who has advised that the
Board employ a consultant as Corporation Tax is a very specialized area of work.
Prior to doing this KD will contact the Chartered Accountant that gave the original
advice further information. Ongoing – KD/RW
n) Letters to plot holders with persistently unkempt plots.RW will send the letters
out with the rent demands, also contact those people on the waiting list that have
failed to respond to the email with a view to removing the names.
Agreed: Ongoing
3. Secretary’s Report
None. The role remains vacant.
4. Treasure’s Report
RW advised the Board that he had set up a PayPal account for online purchases.
No. 2 account is low and will remain so until the rents are input in February.
All direct debits are paid from this account and as there is no overdraft arrangement
RW proposed that the money in the savings account be transferred as it is earning very
little interest. The new company accounts will start to be used when the rents are collected.
Agreed – all
Balance as of 10th January 2021
No.1 A/C – £ 12,904.05No.2 A/C – £ 1,668.93Savings A/C – £ 1,672.83
Cash & Cheques £265.69
Total £ 16,511.505.
5. Shop Report 
KD told the Board that there are 15 jars of honey left from the 39 for sale in the shop. This will
probably be a ‘one off’ due to Bromley Beekeepers’ unable to hold their annual event where all
of the honey is usually sold. 24 Jars so far has been sold (up until 8th January 2021) which has
generated £24.00 to the association and this is banked as “Honey” in the Treasurer’s account.
Shop takings as of 10th January 2021 £132.90

Agreed: Stocktaking to be done as and when circumstances permit. MS / HM.KD to pass 2020
list to MS for reference
6. Site Manager’s Report
MS submitted a written report confirming the front of the walkway for the raised bed has been
completed and thanked JW and others for this work. It is constructed from wood chips laid
over hexagonal grids on a membrane. It appears very solid and will allow for wheelchair access.
The remaining walkway will be completed when circumstances allow. The board commented
on the high quality of the work.MS has prepared a list of jobs that can be completed by one or
two volunteers unsupervised. It is displayed on the notice board outside the office. Any jobs
completed should be reported to MS. The new greenhouse is complete and waterproof (almost)
and shelves are to be added.
Ben has reconnected the old electric supply to a new waterproof socket that has been tested OK with
an RCD. A new greenhouse heater will be purchased, but because of the current lockdown, MS proposes
to propagate the chilies and peppers himself and pass them to Emma later. Flowers can wait until late February.
7. Lettings Manger’s Report
Four plots are in good order and it is SK’s intention to organize individual viewings that are Covid-19
safe as soon as possible to get them to let before they become overgrown.
8. Health & Safety Issues.
The Greater London area has moved into Tier4+ /5 restrictions due to the sharp increase in the R rate
of Covid-19. The clubhouse has been closed and it is necessary to impose strict restrictions on access
to all other communal areas. The toilets are to remain open. The Board would like to remind plot holders
that it is a matter of individual responsibility to keep each other safe as it is believed that as many as one
in three people now carry the virus, albeit asymptomatic. The current Government advice to reduce the
incidence of this transmitting Covid-19 is to behave ‘as if you are Covid positive and follow the rules
Thank you.
9. A.O.B
KD has received an Email from Amy Mallett of Bromley Council requesting information regarding
communal plots. Agreed: KD to respond that unfortunately we are unable to help at this time.
KD announced he will be taking the responsibility of migrating the Draft Minutes to the Allotment
Web page.
Agreed by all.
KD will be adding images to the web Page titled “Projects” – Raised Bed & Greenhouse construction.
Agreed by all.
KD concerned that there were 41 enquires on the web page not answered by dedicated Board members
(RW,KD,DP). The issue to be resolved by finding why the Link is not activated by an entry.
Agreed: RW / DP
KD requested that payment for the Wi Fi be made through PayPal in future.
KD to see if 3Com (Router Supplier) will be able to change it as at the moment he has to pay and
then claim it back from the Treasurer.
Agreed: KD to advise RWMS suggested putting the ‘Plotting Together’ communique on the Official
Facebook page.
RWMS advised the Board that Julie T wants to get rid of her greenhouse. Anyone interested contact MS.
The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.