Kent House Leisure Gardens Ltd. Board Meeting
Held online
14th December 2020
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder, Antoni Pogozelski, Martin Spatcher, John Sissions, Reg Wickings.
Apologies: David Pipe
1. Chairs Opening
KD welcomed attendees and advised that discussion would be around the impending Tier3 shut down for the Greater London area from Wednesday. He thanked HM for providing the PPE.
2. Minutes of Meeting 12th October 2020.
It was agreed that the minutes were a true and accurate record.
Matters arising from previous minutes.
Action Points outstanding.
a) Repair to the fence adjacent to plot 72.
Agreed: Repair needs to be completed. MS / SK / volunteers
b) Finishing the work to the clubhouse roof.
Don has replaced the roof with a waterproof one that requires cladding, although KD is concerned it leaks. Don has suffered a bereavement and has asked for more time.
Agreed: KD to monitor.
c) Purchase of slabs for wheelchair access to raised beds.
Agreed: As the cost of the slabs has proved to be prohibitive and there are currently no disabled tenants wanting a raised bed, MS proposed to create a path from woodchip on a membrane until a cheaper source of slabs can be found. E.g. Gumtree. HM to arrange delivery of woodchip.
d) External wiring.
KD has sent the wiring diagrams to JS.
Agreed: JS to contact the Electrician for advice.
e) Gating of green waste area.
There was a discussion around creating a natural hedge from the Pyracantha found around the perimeter, which was received with interest.
Agreed: Ongoing discussion – All
f) Fridge freezer to be removed from clubhouse and taken to local tip.
Agreed: Completed
g) Installation of Wi-Fi mast.
Agreed: Ongoing
h) Purchase of engine hoist.
Agreed: JS to purchase in the new year.
i) Replacement wooden greenhouse.
Greenhouse in situ, glazed and finished. Many thanks to MS, Ben, RW and John W.
3. Secretary’s Report
4. Treasures Report
Balance as of 12th December 2020
No.1 A/C – £ 13,303.16
No.2 A/C – £ 1,757.27
Savings A/C – £ 1,672.75
Cash & Cheques £265.69
Total £ 16,998.87
5. Shop Report
KD advised that the money raised on the sale of honey has been transferred to the Bromley Beekeepers account. The honey sells for £8.00 with £1.00 going to the shop funds. KD sold 11 jars + a further 6 jars. He has transferred £77.00 plus £42 making £18.00 profit for the shop.
The new catalogue has arrived for the stock showing a significant price increase. Fortunately the shop is well stocked at present. Members to advise KD on requirements for next order.
Agreed: MS & HM to carry out a stocktaking exercise for KD in January 2021.
6. Site Manager’s Report
MS submitted a written report detailing the construction of wheelchair access to raised beds that had been discussed and agreed earlier.
The water has now been turned off and the system drained. Several upstands will need to be replaced over the winter months. There is sufficient angle iron, that needs to be cut and painted, to complete the task. The damaged pipe between plot 74 and 58b must be replaced before spring, requiring a short trench to be dug, extending up to the ‘chicken plot ’for an additional tap if time permits.
MS has prepared a list of jobs that can completed by one or two volunteers unsupervised. Tasks include cutting back weed trees, litter picking and clearing paths. A full list will be laminated and displayed on the notice board outside the office.
7. Letting Manger’s Report
SK thanked RW for reviewing the waiting list. RW will contact by phone those applicants with current details that have not responded to the email. This will be prior to removal from the list if no contact is made.
With 67 on the waiting list there were 41 positive responses, 9 have been removed an 18 are still outstanding.
There were two lettings this month plots 56a and 56b, with 7 vacant plots 14a, 15b, 52, 53, 66a, 67a, 78b.
Four plots are in good order, SK will organise individual viewings that are Covid safe as soon as possible.
8. Health & Safety Issues.
The Greater London area will move into Tier3 restrictions as of midnight Wednesday 16th December due to the sharp increase in the R rate of Covid-19. It has become advisable to close the clubhouse and impose strict restriction on access to other communal areas. The toilets are to remain open.
The Board would like to extend profuse thanks to Pam and Rosemary for their unstinting diligence keeping the lavatory block clean and safe. All plot holders owe them a huge debt of gratitude.
9. A.O.B
KD Is concerned about the state of the clubhouse as more and more bric- a- brac is being left which is cluttering up the place.
Agreed: KD to remove the bread baskets from the clubhouse and store in the cabin before making a decision on disposal. It is to be made clear to plot holders not to leave any more in the clubhouse.
KD Raised the issue about the untidiness of the office.
Agreed: KD & RW to decide what needs to be kept and what can be disposed of.
KD Was also concerned about the amount of rubbish being left outside the new greenhouse attracted by the large bag left there.
Agreed: KD & HM to dispose of rubbish bag when possible.
KD Raised the issue of KHLG tax status.
Agreed: RW to contact BALGAF and KHLG solicitors to get advice.
KD Raised the position on rents as other allotment sites have made it a rent free year. RW advised that any changes to the rents must be agreed at the AGM and we have not been able to hold one due to current pandemic restrictions.
Agreed: RW to collect rents in February on the basis of last year’s charges. It is possible to pay on line or by cheque. Arrangements need to be made for payment by cash in person.
New agreements will also need to be signed by all plot holders now KHLG is a Limited Company.
We need to get an accurate reading of the water usage which requires lifting the covering slabs and taking a photo of the individual meters with a camera phone. MS
RW Raised the issue of those plots that have been unkempt for years with little, if any progress being made. As it has been agreed not to serve any NTQ’s this year due to the pandemic it was Agreed: RW to write to the plot holders giving 3 months notice to get into good order or an NTQ will be served in the new year.
The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.
Kent House Leisure Gardens Ltd. Board Meeting
Held online
9th November 2020
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder ,
David Pipe, Antoni Pogozelski, John Sissons, Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
Apologies: None.
1. Chair’s Opening Address
It was with deep sadness that KD announced the death of Les Hughes earlier this month. Chicken Les, as he was affectionately known, would have been 90 this month had he lived. His funeral cortege will pass the main gate on 17th November at 9.15 a.m. It is hoped that his friends and co-allotment holders can be present on the pavement (socially distanced) to bid him farewell.
KD welcomed attendees and advised that discussions would be in light of the current Covid-19 regulations. He thanked HM for circulating the Lewisham advice on public spaces re: Coronavirus shutdown.
Concern was expressed regarding the continued use of the lavatory block as Lewisham and BALGAF are advising that they should be closed. HM advised that the current Covid-19 regulations issued by the government specifically state that the ‘toilets can remain open’. HM agreed that if possible (i.e. within her technical ability) she will circulate the link to the guidelines.
DP is stepping down as minute taker after many months.
KD expressed profound thanks to DP for his diligence and acknowledged that the process of producing accurate minutes can take hours of work.
The Board echoed their appreciation.
2. Minutes of Meeting 12th October 2020.
It was agreed that the minutes were an accurate record.
Matters arising from previous minutes.
Action Points outstanding.
a) Finishing work on clubhouse porch roof.
Don is not responding to requests for information.
Agreed: to advise Don we will be asking another carpenter to complete work and deduct the money from the amount agreed to pay him.
b) Fixing Wi-Fi bracket. AP
AP currently has no time.
Agreed KD and DP will complete.
c) Fence repair behind plot 72.
Awaiting repair.
d) Purchase of slabs for raised bed walkways.
Currently investigating best price suppliers who are willing /able to deliver to the main gate rather than drop off on the pavement.
Agreed SK would ask Travis Perkins
e) Wiring between office/main gate light/ greenhouse.
As part of the recommendations from the recent PAT testing.
Agreed KD to pass the file electronically to JS.
f) Gating of green waste area.
g) Fridge freezer to be removed from clubhouse to local tip.
Agreed KD & HM to facilitate.
h) Purchase of Farm Jack and engine hoist.
Farm jack purchased.
Agreed Engine hoist ongoing.
i) Replacement greenhouse
Awaiting delivery. RW has offered wooden greenhouse to a plot holder with the caveat that it is removed and erected at the plot holder’s risk. It is likely that volunteers will erect the new greenhouse as cost of contractor to undertake work is prohibitive.
3. Secretary’s Report
RW expressed his disappointment that, as yet there is no-one willing to take on this role.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of 05 November 2020
No.1 A/C – £13,541.55
No.2 A/C – £ 2,822.41
Savings A/C – £ 1,672.75
Cash & Cheques £265.69
Total £18,302.40
Comment. There was no activity during October. RW has banked cash and cheques.
5. Shop Report KD advised that the shop is selling honey on behalf of the Bromley Beekeepers.The honey sells for £8.00 with £1.00 going to the shop funds.
Currently KD has made £77 .00 with £11.00 for the shop.
KD transferred £133.50 to Treasurer bringing the shop account to £1196.22
6. Site Manager’s Report
MS is assuming the Spring show will go ahead next year and as such is making preparation for the plant sale. He is reluctant to buy anymore black plastic pots and requests that those who have had them from last year please return to MS for reuse.
He is also looking for suggestions for a greener option. No toilet rolls please.
MS and Lynn will continue to grow the flowers. HM has agreed to grow some herbs and Emma has offered to grow veg.
7. Letting Manger’s Report
SK reported that due to current restrictions there have been no viewings this month. There are 2 vacant plots and it is envisaged that a further three plots may become vacant in the near future.
8. Health & Safety Issues.
This matter has been covered by the Covid-19 discussion.
9. A.O.B
The meeting closed at 9.16 p.m.
KHLGLtd Committee Meeting
Held online
12th October 2020
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder ,
David Pipe, Antoni Pogozelski, John Sissons, Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
1. Opening address
KD Welcomed the attendees.
KD Reiterated the use of masks and for social distancing while on the site.
2.Minutes of the previous meeting, 14th September 2020
It was agreed the September minutes were a true record.
3.Matters arising from the minutes.
Action Points outstanding
Finishing work on Clubhouse ramp porch
KD as yet incomplete.
AP WiFi bracket. Ongoing.
Raised bed construction
KD and MS walkway slabs to be purchased.
Overhaul of machinery
JS awaiting purchase of engine lift.
Fence behind plot 72 awaiting repair.
Repair and attention to wiring.
JS and KD will arrange inspection.
Fridge and Freezer disposal. To be taken to Council Waste site
Gating green waste area.
SK ongoing
4. Secretary’s Report
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £12,403.44
No. 2A/C £3,020.58
Savings A/C £1672.79
Cash & Cheques £1,305.69
Total £20,073.00
5b. Shop account
6. Shop Report
KD thanked MS for circulating message re honey availability and his arrangements for Covid-19 hygiene when purchasing items from the shop.
KD Manure not currently available as horses are out to pasture.
7. Site Manager’s Report
Covid-19 procedures for site safety with reference to NAS advice.
Stopping the spread of the virus via hard surfaces
- Hand sanitisers are affixed to both gates at the entrances to the site.
(these are checked regularly and topped up.) - Hand sanitisers are also located in the Clubhouse, Site shop and lavatory block.
- Communal equipment for site use has now been restricted to KHLG Board and experienced volunteers for site work only. All surfaces are cleaned between uses.
- The clubhouse and lavatory block are cleaned thoroughly.
- Hand washing facilities are available in the clubhouse and lavatories.
(hand dryers are provided.)
Stopping the spread via person to person contact
- Plot holders are required to remain on their own plots unless visiting the shop, clubhouse or lavatory.
(congregating in groups is prohibited. Only plot holders are allowed on the site.) - The shop operates from the door. Only one shopkeeper at a time occupies the shop. The goods are brought outside for collection by the plot holder who the leaves the correct money on the counter ensuring minimal contact.
- Access to the winery is by appointment only. Vineyard keepers mostly have their own equipment. Communal equipment is cleaned between uses.
- Congregation in the clubhouse is restricted to two only. The poly tunnel is a strict one in one out process as operates in the green houses. The machine room and workroom are strictly controlled and limited to the Board.
Information notices are displayed on the relevant facilities. There is no provision for rubbish to be disposed of on site, requiring plot holders to take it home. Gates must remain locked for security and prevent non authorised access. The Board is aware that the site cannot be made 100% safe from the spread of the virus, but as a predominately outdoor facility with access solely available to its membership and constant vigilance by the Board and plot holders it is believed that a high level of security can be maintained.
8. Lettings Manager’s Report
SK 2 plots available, other plots may become available in the near future.
There are currently 70 on the waiting list.
9. Health and Safety Issues
KD previous discussion re puller for metal spikes etc.
RW Suggested purchase of a Farm Jack. Agreed
AP There is a need for an engine hoist for use while working under the tractor.
10. AOB
RW Possible for the site have bonfires at the end of October.
Currently there are no formal inspections.
NAS advice that there should be a requirement that 25% of plot/s be brought back into cultivation in the first 3 months, that would be from the beginning of November, but could be allowed to go up to the end of the winter and thereafter for the whole of the plot to be brought under cultivation.
KHLGA Ltd will begin to operate from November and new tenancy agreements in the company name and under the new site lease which has now been signed will be issued with rent demands during November . There will be no formal rent days this year , rents can be paid by bank transfer , by cheque and there are a number of other payment options including for cash payments being explored.
The Autumn open day has been cancelled , plot holders wanting to buy plants should look out for ad-hoc plants sales on tables outside the machine room and site greenhouses.
KD No progress in finishing the Clubhouse porch. Porch roof is exposed and needs
KD will get in touch with Don once again.
Awaiting AP’s decision re installing the Wi-Fi mast.
It will be possible for the site to have bonfires at the end of October.
Date for November bonfire.
MS because of uncertain weather conditions it is not possible to fix the date
for the bonfire, but it will be during the day, between 31st October and 5th November.
Because of the restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus there will be no associated party.
SK The holder of plot 34a is seeking plants that she could take to Lewisham Hospital for a raised bed planting project at the Ladywell Unit.
SK, RW and MS will provide plants. Others welcome.
JS Offered to provide a cradle for the workshop that could be used with a hoist
when working on the mowers etc., He will bring it to the site for a demonstration.
MS site is awaiting notification of the date for delivery of the replacement greenhouse.
KD Bench saw and mower wheels are awaiting attention.
SK raised concerns about items missing from the workshop and the cage.
AP pointed out that keys are currently too accessible.
JS suggested that locks should be replaced including the key for the office.
JS is prepared to fit the replacements.
KD will sort out the key situation by the next meeting.
The Committee has been informed of the continuing incidence of thefts of fruit
from a a number of plots.
As it is impossible for the Committee to police the site at all times,
plotholders should ensure that fruit is netted as securely as possible.
Anyone having evidence of the perpetrator/s should advise a Committee member as soon as possible.
Meeting closed at 21:46
KHLGLtd Committee Meeting
Held online
14th September 2020
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder ,
David Pipe, John Sissons, Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
Apologies: Antoni Pogozelski
1.Opening address
KD Welcomed the attendees and noted AP’s apologies for absence,
KD Reiterated the need for caution on site, given the ongoing spread of Covid 19.
KD Repeated his thanks to Pam for her work in keeping the toilets in good order.2.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting, 10th August 2020
It was agreed the August minutes were a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
Action Points outstanding
Finishing work on Clubhouse ramp porch
KD Has contacted Don.
The work should be completed by the end of September.
Site Logo
RW suggested opening the competition for a design to both children and plotholders. Agreed.
RW to circulate details.
WiFi bracket
Raised bed construction
KD and MS, construction 90% finished. Awaiting liner and walkway slabs, planing edges for completion.
JS woodchip has been delivered.
HM Supplier has wood, suitable for turning. Contact Heather Mallinder if interested.
Overhaul of machinery
JS & BM will replace wheels. JS & AP will complete trailer repair.
Site signage update
RW to order.
4. Secretary’s Report
5a. Treasurer’s Report
RW noted that KHLGLtd now has Internet banking facilities.
No. 1A/C £14,027.63
No. 2A/C £3066.93
Savings A/C £1672.75
Cash & Cheques £1,305.69
Total £20,073.00
5b. Shop account
6. Shop Report
KD There has been a slowdown in sales, but the shop is still doing well.
Manure has been delivered and paid for.
Plotholders have enquired re the availability of site honey.
KD will advise Plotholders that Site honey will now be held for sale
in the shop at £8.00 per 1lb/450gm jar.
7. Site Manager’s Report
Perimeter path:- brambles etc. have been pruned back by Brendon.
Plot-holders regularly ask about the green waste area, but to date there are no new volunteers.
When the new waste area is completed it will fill up very quickly.
The new area will be fenced off and be strictly for communal grass clippings / waste only.
The soil in the brook needs to be dealt with before the “wet” season.
RW this could soil could be used in the raised beds. Agreed
The black fridge in club-house is leaking and will be removed.
Plots requiring attention: 2, 14A,15B,16, 17, 18, 56, 55B, 68B, 62B2, 81, 88, 89A
KD AP has suggested that there should be an area for all plot holders’ waste.
KD There is not enough space to allow uncontrolled dumping, any dumping should be only for truly compostable waste.
SK It was agreed previously that monitoring would be needed and that only soft green waste would be accepted in the waste area.
RW Dumping could be allowed, with checks, at a specific day/ time.
MS Dumping could be monitored, but there is the issue of dealing with what has been dumped.
RW Bins in the waste area could be filled in rotation, by the time the last bin has been filled there should be useable material available.
JS The work that this would create could be dealt with on the ‘Work day’.
SK Plotholders using the facility could give their time turning over the waste.
RW Gating the waste area must be a priority in order to be able control its use.
SK Will gather helpers to assist getting the gating under way asap.
MS Re. the site inspection, there are still a number of plots that have not been worked for some years.
RW NAS/Balgf suggests instructing plotholders to bring 25% back of their plot(s) into use within 3 months and the whole of the plot(s) by the end of the next season. New tenancy agreements could be issued conditional on the initial work having been completed, as specified, within the 3 months. Current plotholders whose plots remain uncultivated will receive a letter advising them that have 3 months to bring their plots under cultivation.
KD thanked MS for his work in tidying the workshop. He also listed a number of items that need purchasing or replacing.
JS remarked on the need for specialist tools to be kept securely.
RW questioned the continued use of the table saw built by Peter Springall as it lacks basic safety features.
KD agreed that the saw should be examined with a view to applying modifications to render its use H&S compliant.
JS noted that mower wheels still need replacing and work is required to repair the side on the trailer.
MS Drumbeat will be back on site, over the next 3 weeks.. They have been advised of the precautions they must observe while on the site.
JS raised the issue of the guidelines during the current crisis. In particular the use of the toilets.
SK suggested that in addition to the current facilities of hot water and soap there should be hand sanitisers outside as well as in the toilets.
RW proposed that hand sanitisers be placed on the gate and outside the toilets. Agreed.
MS Items outstanding: Fence behind plot 72 repair and attention to wiring between office/main gate light/greenhouse.
8. AOB
NAS advice. MS and HM to review current risks and necessary procedures.
Meeting Closed @ 21.06
10th August 2020
Held online
Present: Korehan Dora, David Pipe, Antoni Pogozelski,
John Sissons, Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
Apologies: Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder
1.Opening address
KD Noted apologies and welcomed the attendees.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting, 13th July 2020
It was agreed the July minutes were a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
Action Points outstanding
Gating of green area
Finishing work on Clubhouse ramp porch
KD ongoing, due to offsite injury sustained by Don.
Site Logo
AP suggested a competition for children on site to design a logo.
RW to arrange.
WiFi bracket
Raised bed construction
KD & MS have construction under way.
JS offered to assist.
AP advised 1 to 1.2m slabs required for wheelchair access.
RW suggested providing an integral water container.
Overhaul of machinery
JS & BM will replace wheels. JS & AP will complete trailer repair.
KHLG as a Limited Company
RW has completed HSBC paperwork for Internet banking.
Site signage update
RW will arrange for a new sign to be made.
4. Secretary’s Report
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £14,042.02
No. 2A/C £3261.13
Savings A/C £1,672.12
Cash & Cheques £1,305.69
Total £20,280.96
5b. Shop account
6. Shop Report
KD The shop is doing well.
Ice cream is now available in the shop.
7. Site Manager’s Report
MS suggested purchasing an aluminium greenhouse as a replacement for the now deteriorated and dangerous wooden greenhouse.
AP recommended additional staging be purchased.
Plots requiring attention 2, 14A, 15B, 16 & 17, 18, 79, 89A, 88.
Attention to unkempt plots was again discussed.
8. Letting Manager’s Report
Not available
9. A.O.B.
RW Holders of untended plots should advise the committee if they have plans for resuming work on the site.
MS will prepare a list of plots that are seriously in need of attention.
MS Hoses must be put away or removed after use.
It is a health and safety issue when these are left across the pathways.
Meeting closed at 21:00
13th July 2020
Held online
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder, David Pipe
Antoni Pogozelski,John Sissons, Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
Opening address
KD reported that signatory identification, necessary for completion of the new lease with the solicitors, had been completed.
KD thanked Brendan and Eddie for helping him with the large delivery of Horticultural items to the shop.
Minutes of the previous meeting, 11th June 2020
It was agreed the June minutes were a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
Action Points outstanding
Gating of green area
SK ongoing
Finishing work on Clubhouse ramp porch
SK ongoing
WiFi bracket
AP has arranged construction. Awaiting installation.
KD thanked AP for its production. Fitting to be discussed.
Raised bed construction
SK ongoing.
MS Purchase of paving required for wheelchair access to the proposed raised bed area.
Overhaul of machinery
MS noted that the wheeled strimmer guard is faulty, is not reliable and needs repairing.
MS Action point.- Bring old mowers up to date, fit replacement wheels.
KHLG as a Limited Company
RW Two accounts set up but as yet no access to online banking.
SK Enquired re site signage update.
KD Suggested that the site would benefit from an updated logo.
RW will investigate providing a suitable design.
KD asked “What is BALGL’s role in running the allotment?”
RW agreed to ask Tony Chase at BALGL for clarification.
Woodchip supplies
HM has agreed to arrange.
Used hops supply
Collection arranged by RW.
4. Secretary’s Report
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £14,211.03
No. 2A/C £3291.86
Savings A/C £1,672.12
Cash & Cheques £1,283.31
Total £20,458.32
5b. Shop account
6. Shop Report
KD £240.35 in hand
KD Thanked everyone for helping to make access to the shop easy.
The shop vacuum cleaner has reappeared.
7. Site Manager’s Report
Fence at plot 72 is still to be repaired. Ji is looking for “cheap” pyrocantha plants for long term protection.
Continuing thanks for volunteer grass cutting and the cleaning.
No progress on new greenhouse.
Mower no 11 needs a new blade or re-sharpen.
We have several new plot-holders, some of whom are rather vague about the site and current restrictions. An email outlining site current restrictions and reminders re site rules will be posted on the site Facebook page.
Plots requiring attention 2, 14A, 15B, 16&17, 18, 11B2, 9B, 40B, 42, 91B, 79, 89A, 88.
Attention to unkempt plots, by the committee, was discussed.
Shed colour was discussed. Shed colour must be green or brown, but any range of green or brown tone is permitted.
8. Letting Manager’s Report
2 plots vacant (14A,15B) , 68 applicants on waiting list.
9. Health and Safety issues
HM Reported problems with tools and debris on community paths.
MS This is addressed in the current Facebook post.
10. A.O.B.
JS Request to refurbish wooden trailer. Agreed.
SK Will obtain timing for completion of work on clubhouse porch.
RW Will forward monies from plant sales to King’s College Hospital Heroes Appeal..
KD Issues with unidentifiable IOU payments.
RW Problems with IOU’s can be resolved by issuing the IOU from a duplicate receipt book.
RW Suggested that the duplicate receipt be presented with payment to clear the debt.
KD No open day in September. For the August meeting Committee could convene in Clubhouse or online?
HM Continue Committee meetings via Zoom. Agreed.
Meeting closed at 21:00
8th June 2020
Held online
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder,
David Pipe, Antoni Pogozelski,John Sissons,
Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
Apologies: None
1. Opening address
KD thanked Saeed for his sterling work on the site
SK noted that Brendan, Martin, Francoise, Gerry, Pete, and Anya had also given their services.
KD also thanked all those who had worked in the shop.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting, 11th May 2020
It was agreed the May minutes were a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
Gas cylinder purchase
It was agreed that gas cylinders would not need to be purchased at this time.
Action Points outstanding
Gating of green area
SK in hand
Finishing work on Clubhouse ramp porch
SK in hand
Overhaul of machinery
MS noted that the wheeled strimmer has a faulty guard and is not reliable
RW referred to the decision for regular checks of the machines.
MS under normal circumstances the machine are checked at 2 monthly intervals.
SK and the record of use updated.
JS all machines had been serviced this winter, new wheels for the mowers have been purchased. Awaiting fitting.
HM not urgent as old mowers not required as yet.
RW the maintenance record will be displayed in the machine room.
RW health and safety to be added to the agenda.
MS action point- Bring old mowers up to date, fit replacement wheels.
AP person providing repair service must be authorised by the Committee.
Appointee must use appropriate spares. Repair to be independently checked and recorded. Items used from stock to be replaced.
AP suggested that a register of competent people be compiled.
KD The Shop is CLOSED, access is purely by goodwill of the available members of committee.
The Shop rota is working well at present.
Post lockdown KD will put up rota. Will try open 10-1.00 pm
All committee members can provide stock to plotholders.
SK Plotholder access may be subject to BALGF recommendationKHLG as a Limited Company
KD A new logo for letterhead etc will be required.
RW Issues with availability of staff has prevented account creation.
This has been an ongoing problem since December 2019.
(BALGF has a similar problem)
New account required but currently unable to create one.
RW will continue to arrange new account.
Vacant plot photo promotion
SK vacant plots are currently in too unkempt to make this a viable.
WiFi bracket
AP to produce new, stronger bracket.
KD will post instructions on the notice board for access to Wavelink and WiFi.
Raised bed construction
MS on hold as paving slabs and labour required.
Woodchip supply
KD thanked HM for arranging delivery.
Grassed border between plots 47b,48b,49b and Orchard Court
MS plotholders should be aware that this is not a shortcut.
Vic Barnes
KD A ‘Get Well’ card has been sent to Vic, on behalf of the Committee.
4. Secretary’s Report
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £15,273.70
No. 2A/C £3346.05
Savings A/C £1,672.12
Cash & Cheques £1,305.6969
Total £22,425.17
5b. Shop account
£510 from plant sales to go to NHS Charities
RW will place a note re the donation on the notice board.
6. Shop Report
KD reported that the shop had been very busy, one or two payments to bank each week.
The shop vacuum cleaner is missing. Please return.
KD will order more stock in about a month. Selection of soft drinks for shop sale will be ordered. Possibly also Ice Cream and Coke.
KD IOU money, when put into Office letterbox, should be accompanied with a note re item purchased.
7. Site Manager’s Report
To deter intruders, the fence at rear of plots 72a & b is to be repaired.
For long term security pyracantha plants will be sourced.
Only £10 worth of cucumber plants left to sell.
Adrianna is unable to grow the vegetables for open day next year.
The Committee expressed their thanks for her single handed efforts over the last few years,
and agreed that she will be a hard act to follow.
The site will need to find a replacement by new year.
Many thanks to the volunteers who have done sterling work cutting communal grass and individual paths.
Thanks also to the ladies keeping the toilets and clubhouse clean.
Hopefully a replacement site greenhouse will be purchased shortly
8. Letting Manager’s report
57 applicants on plot waiting list.
2 plots are available to let.
One plot taken, 2nd plot will probably be taken shortly.
9. Work Group/Volunteers’ day
N/A due to lockdown.
10. AOB
JS will purchase petrol for machines.
DP security issue due fence collapse along the 48B/49B boundary.
RW to contact owners of boundary fence.
SK (in response to query from RW) Porch for disabled access to clubhouse awaiting completion.
RW (in response to query from SK re machine hire) the site is bound to follow BALGF rules as joint site lease has been signed.
KD request had been received a request for an on-site barbecue. Currently barbecues not currently permitted under BALGF rules.
SK site needs more volunteers for clearing untended plots.
KD noted that there are a number of dedicated volunteers. John Wetherell had cleaned the shop forecourt in preparation for re-locating trees from the poly tunnel.
KD re untended plots, Martin Spatcher is keeping a log.
RW under current circumstances committee will arrange to strim plots with long grass.
SK will repair chain link , if necessary with galvanised wire supplied by KD.
(Also see note in item 7 re pyracantha)
KD additional keys for site purchased. Additional key required for office letter box.
RW scaffolding has been erected on site for repairs to 86 Fairlawn Park. No problem for site
KD has completed site lease. Lease document awaiting signatory identification.
RW, in response to a request from MS, will deal removal of out of date pages in the new Facebook KHLGA document.
HM will request used hops from Sydenham Brewery as compost for site.
11th May 2020
Held online
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder,
David Pipe, John Sissons, Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
Apologies: Antoni Pogozelski
- Opening address
KD thanked those present for their attendance
He thanked Pam Dowling for maintaining the cleanliness of the toilet/washing facilities on the site, as well as stocking up necessary toiletries throughout the lockdown.
This was endorsed by SK and the other committee members.
KD thanked Ben Mansour, SK, JS and HM for their work in helping him with unloading the deliveries for the shop.
A full lorry load of essential supplies was delivered.
KD also noted that there had been over £200 worth of sales since their delivery.
Manure deliveries have been curtailed due to changes in arrangements at the stables. - Minutes of the previous meeting, 14th April 2020
KD It was agreed the April minutes were a true record. - Matters arising from the minutes.
Action Points outstanding
Estimate obtained for work on the Clubhouse ramp porch. (DONE)
Circulating images of the available plots to people in the waiting list SK. (On going)
Associate Members List to be updated and given to DP by RW.
Associate members list to be available via the KHLGA web page (DP)
Towbar for the tractor is under construction.
Raised bed construction should start soon.
Gating of green area.
Waste removed from the ‘Yard’ and site.
Spare Keys for the site to be arranged by KD. - Secretary’s report N/A
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £15,690.11
No. 2A/C £4,003.25
Savings A/C £1,672.12
Cash & Cheques £1,059.69
Total £22,425.17
5b. Shop account
6. Site Manager’s report
Most plants put out for sale, sold.
Monies from plant sales to go to NHS charities.
Grass on paths has been cut by volunteers.
Consider contacting plotholders who have not been in touch.
Site work:
Taps along main path risk damage by being turned off too hard.
3 Upstands still require replacement.
7. Letting Manager’s report.
SK One plot let. Three are available to let.
One of these is a vineyard, which it may be appropriate to clear.
45 on waiting list.
SK will generate interest by circulating images of the available plots.
8. Events
The May event has been cancelled. Plotholders advised.
Due to the current lockdown, the AGM is delayed until further notice.
9. Work Group/Volunteers’ day
Volunteers have cut grass when possible.
Suggestion of using outside contractor agreed impractical.
A class assistant will be working on the Drumbeat plot, as the students cannot attend during the lockdown.
10. AOB
JS raised the issue of bags of waste being dumped on driveway.
Committee decided to move these to the pavement as it is the Council’s responsibility
to have it removed.
DP to add link to Associate Members’ names in site documents.
HM to contact supplier re woodchip.
SK clubhouse emergency exit door bolts to be removed as contrary to Fire Safety Regulations.
KD raised issue of path used as a short cut by the group maintaining the Association Orchard. As this is a Health and safety matter MS and KD to investigate first if this is a public path and then take action.
KD will organise a ‘Get well’ message for Vic Barnes.
14th April 2020
Held online
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Heather Mallinder,
David Pipe, John Sissons, Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
Apologies: Antoni Pogozelski
1. Opening address
KD thanked those present for their attendance.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting, 10th March 2020
KD It was agreed the March minutes were a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
KD Thanked John Sissons and Pogo for repair of water heating system.
The previous Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) report will be available for the electrician. who will be dealing with wiring safety issues.
With the warmer weather approching propane cylinders are not required at present.
SK reported that materials have been purchased for construction of the raised beds, a quotation is being obtained for repairs to the clubhouse emergency exit, gates to the green waste area are to be constructed and man with van will be contacted to remove various items of waste from the site.
JS reported that the towbar for the tractor is under repair by AP’s company.
Action Points outstanding
Raised bed construction.
Quotation for Cluhouse repair.
Gating of green area.
Waste removal.
4. Secretary’s report N/A
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £15,704.50
No. 2A/C £4,373.25
Cash & Cheques £225.84
Total £21,975.71
5b. Shop account
6. Site Manager’s report
Janet Wise 62a
Mr & Ms Alexander 64b
John & Rita Wetherell. 86/7
John Sissons 55a
Ben 29a
Ania 71
Site work:-
Tap fitting at the top end of the water supply to plots has failed.
A notice ‘Not to use’ has been attached.
To be repaired.
7. Letting Manager’s report.
SK One plot let. Three available to let.
One of these is a vineyard, which it may be appropriate to clear.
45 on waiting list.
SK will generate interest by circulating images of the available plots.
8. Events
The May event has been cancelled. Plotholders to be advised.
Due to the current lockdown, the AGM is delayed until further notice.
9. Work Group/Volunteers’ day
It was agreed to trial running a Work Group/Volunteers Day on the second Saturday
for those volunteers who are unable to volunteer on Sunday in each month.
10. AOB
RW has no satisfactory response from the site bankers’ head office re the new Site Account.
KD is awaiting delivery of the new Site Lease.
SK has prepared a list of items required to restock shop.
MS reported that soil has been dumped in the brook RW to investigate.
RW to circulate plotholders re restrictions on site attendance.
During the Lockdown no visitors will be permitted on site. Children must remain on the plotholder’s plot.
MS and KD suggestion of a rota for the Committee to carry out site path mowing,
SK to arrange rota, was agreed.
10th March 2020
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, Antoni Pogozelski, Reg Wickings John Sissons
Martin Spatcher
Apologies: Heather Mallinder, David Pipe
1. Opening address
KD thanked those present for their attendance.
KD mentioned that he had not been available at the allotment of late, due to work at home.
KD Thanked Reg, Martin and Saeed for organising and attending the weekend workday/s.
KD Thanked all the volunteers for their efforts in helping and supporting works around the site. (Names to be provided by Reg and Martin and recorded).
KD reminded the committee that as the AGM is approaching and with plenty to discuss during this meeting hence he had moved the committee from Monday to Tuesday
to enable RW to attend.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting, 10th February 2020.
It was agreed the February minutes were a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
Action Points outstanding
MS Two gas propane cylinders not purchased now due to warmer weather has set in,
no urgency at present time.
JW’s Suggestion of remodelling the green waste area to a grassy bank for communal picnic site was discussed but rejected as this area will reopen as green waste/composting area. Whilst we’re encouraging every plot holder to compost as much possible on their plots we will still need this facility to cater for the extra capacity in the future.
KD put forward a suggestion yet again that we should have a rota for committee members to be available on site during the Work Day and every Sunday.
The committee was reluctant to have a rota as John Sissons volunteered that he would
be available each Sunday to deal with machine hire.
KD will issue a Shop Rota for the key holders, Heather Mallinder and Les Bateson from April onwards.
KD questioned the lack of Committee member attendance during the Work Days
to pursue the tasks as Leader. After discussions, Saeed Kanuga volunteered to supervise for May 2020 John Sissons and Antoni Pogozelski will supervise for April 2020.
KD Keys to site shop will now be located in the office, this will enable all committee members access to serve plot holders. This will improve and provide flexibility for sales.
The shop will be run by HM, LB and KD. KD will be responsible for ordering stock.
The Green waste area is to be fenced. To keep the costs down it is intended to use gravel boards.
The site tractor is to be repaired by AP and JS.
A discussion of vetting new/future committee members was raised as an idea to find
what a prospective new member could potentially offer to be beneficial and strengthen
the management team, afford the time, skill sets and other attributes would be key. However, this was thought not to be permissible due to the constitution as it stands
at present.
A meeting will be arranged to discuss topics to be covered at the AGM.
JW reported that Ania has done a remarkable job in disposing of the vegetation
in the green waste are and the area has been covered with weed suppressant.
SK To book an electrician to visit site to inspect and advise on the electrical installations in the green houses and other out buildings.
SK to purchase timber sleepers for the raised beds and organise the repair/restoration
of clubhouse emergency exit door and arrange for ‘a man with van’ to clear accumulated rubbish from enclosure at the main gate.
SK to build two gates at the green waste site, one for entrance of communal use
and the other for grass waste from cuttings the site paths and Hampstead Row.
MS Replacement for wooden green house to be further researched.
4. Secretary’s report N/A
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £15,573.85
No. 2A/C £5,955.25
Shop account £1671,29
Cash & Cheques £250.52
KD noted that the £11.50 for 23 barrows of manure did not appear in the shop account,
but will check with Reg although it is noted in the Treasurers report.
KD said that he will be transfering £97.45 to the Shop account as at 31/01/2020
this figure was the shop account balance.
5b. Shop account
£1671.29 + £42.80 = £1714.09
KD reported that stocks are running low, committee members asked to put forward suggestions for stock items for ordering.
KD asked the Treasurer to transfer £15.05 Cash found in the Office to the shop account.
6. Site Manager’s report
7. Letting Manager’s report.
SK Two consecutive weekend dates arranged recently and four plots let.
Four plots now left vacant, one of which is a vineyard.
This is to be cleared and offered as a basic plot for future letting.
The Committee may investigate the option of obtaining paid help to carry out
the clearance.
8. Events
9. Work Group/Volunteers’ day
It was agreed to trial running a Work Group/Volunteers Day on the second Saturday
for those volunteers who are unable to volunteer on Sunday in each month.
10. AOB
This was purely a session for AGM.
The Presentation of the Ltd. company to Plotholders.
KD & RW have spent considerable time at the site bankers’ head office
with no satisfactory response to date.
It has not been possible to transfer funds from the site to the KHLG Limited Company account.
Rent increase of 2% discussed.
10th February 2020
Present: Korehan Dora, Saeed Kanuga, David Pipe, Antoni Pogozelski, John Sissons,
Martin Spatcher
Apologies: Heather Mallinder, Reg Wickings
1. Opening address
KD thanked those present for their attendance.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting, 13th January 2020.
It was agreed the January minutes were a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
Action Points
MS reported that an 8′ x 10′; wooden greenhouse could be purchased for about £3000
and that as 3 of the existing greenhouses are in good condition the option of replacing all 4
represented an unnecessary expense and additional labour to install.
As an alternative, purchasing an aluminium greenhouse was discussed as these are available at the same size and at half the price or less.
Options would be investigated and discussed at the next Committee meeting.
Re: Heating of the Poly tunnel, KD will purchase the 2 propane cylinders.
Re: The green waste area, SK proposed creating a single 5′ high gated entrance, costing
approximately £200.
Alternatives were discussed and will be revisited at the next meeting.
4. Secretary’s report N/A
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £15,903.74
No. 2A/C £6,051.03
Shop account £1671.29
Cash & Cheques £235.47
KD noted that the £11.50 for 23 barrows of manure did not appear in the shop account
but will check with Reg although it is noted in the Treasurers report.
KD said that he will be transfering £97.45 to the Shop account as at 31/01/2020 this figure was the shop account balance.
5b. Shop account
6. Site Manager’s report
KD thanked the following Saturday volunteers, guided by Martin Spacher:-
John W (plot 87), Janet W (plot 61A), Nicholas & Margaret (plot 64B), Ania (plot 71), Brendan (plot 20A)
He also stated that with the generous help given on that Saturday, the volunteers had achieved a lot and their efforts were very much appreciated.
MS stated that it is now possible to walk round the poly tunnel as the path has been cleared and the surrounding brambles, conifers and ivy cut back.
The green waste area has been cleared and covered, thanks to Ania (plot 71).
Work is ready to start on the first raised bed on plot 53.
There is a fallen tree at the rear of plot 79 that needs to be cleared.
(Cleared and made safe 11/2/2020)
7. Letting Manager’s report.
KD asked SK if he needed help from plot holders to assist him in renting out the existing 7 plots.
SK said he is happy with the present process and has already invited 7 potential plot holders to view the vacant plots on the 15th February.
SK also said he is hoping the invited potential plot holders would take ownership of the available vacant plots when shown them on the 15th.
The vacant plots are: 33A, 45b, 57B, 68A, 68B (vinyard), 69B, 89A)
If possible there will be second tour a week later.
8. Events
AGM 29th March 2020
Spring Open Day 17th May 2020
9.Work Group/Volunteers’ day
It was agreed to trial running a Work Group/Volunteers Day on the second Saturday
for those volunteers who are unable to volunteer on Sunday in each month.
10. AOB
The clubhouse has been reserved for a private party on 21st March 2020.
An equipment overhaul is required prior to the next work group day.
KD will provide a timetable for the manning of the shop for those who hold keys to the shop.
There was much discussion regarding the status of KHLG now that is a Limited Company.
Important concerns were raised.
It was agreed that this discussion would be continued in next month’s meeting.
Next month’s meeting will be on the Tuesday, 10th March.
13th January 2020
Present: Saeed Kanuga, David Pipe, Antoni Pogozelski, John Sissons,
Martin Spatcher, Reg Wickings
Apologies: Korehan Dora, Heather Mallinder
1. Opening address
In the absence of Korehan Dora, DP read notes that KD had prepared for the meeting.
These are as follows:-
Finding plot holders for the available plots must be made a top priority.
In response to a request from a plot holder, He will purchase a heavy-duty mat for the clubhouse.
The existing gate padlocks have been repaired, but a spare should be obtained.
AP concerns about reducing the plot waiting list are accepted and empty plots should be offered to applicants on the waiting list without delay.
If an applicant is not interested in the plot offered they need to be moved down the list.
Replacements should be purchased for the missing Makita drill batteries.
2 new 3KW heaters have been installed in the clubhouse.
The faulty 2KW heater has been recycled.
Thanks to all those who helped prepare the clubhouse for the Christmas lunch.
The feedback for the event was that it was very well done.
He endorses a proposal by BK that all the volunteers on workdays should be invited to eat together, to enjoy coming to the site and to get to know each other.
(This was discussed and agreed by the Committee)
He wishes everyone a pleasant 2020.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting, 9th December 2019.
It was agreed the December minutes were a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
The option of using outside paid labour to clear vacant plots was discussed and it was agreed that where necessary this would be arranged.
4. Secretary’s report N/A
5a. Treasurer’s Report
No. 1A/C £15,903.84
No. 2A/C £6,051.03
Cash & Cheques £235.47
5b. Shop account
Cash box to be provided for payments for manure purchased by plot holders.
6. Site Manager’s report
As no supervision was available, the January 12th. workday was aborted.
Issues with obtaining gas bottle refills persist,
The wooden Company greenhouse is in a poor state and needs replacing.
Options were discussed and replacing the 3 Company greenhouses with a single greenhouse of equivalent size was proposed.
7. Letting Manager’s report
Raised beds 45a2 have been let and there are 9 plots to let.
If possible there will be 2 tours for prospective plot holders arranged for the first week in February.
8. Events
AGM 29th March 2020
Spring Open Day 17th May 2020
9.Work Group/Volunteers’ day
It was agreed to trial running a ‘Work Group/Volunteers’ Day’
on the second Saturday & Sunday in each month
10. AOB
Plotholders are reminded that composting is to be undertaken on their own plots
and unsuitable material removed from the site.
MS to obtain costing for replacement greenhouse.
MS to purchase 2 new full gas bottles, if required.
SK to provide a costing for gating the ‘Green Waste Area’.