Bromley Beekeepers (a branch of Kent Beekeepers Association) is based at KHLG Ltd, where the club apiary (“The Peter Springall Apiary”) occupies three plots. Peter Springall was apiary manager for many years until his death in 2011 and was well-known for his exceptionally docile and good-tempered bees.
There are about a dozen beehives in the apiary and the honey that is produced is sold to plot holders and also to visitors at the KHLG Ltd Open Days.
The beekeepers’ display at the Open Days gives members of the public an opportunity to learn about bees and beekeeping. As well as buying honey and other bee-related products such as candles and honey marmalade, visitors can tour the apiary and watch the bees in an observation hive, and children can try their hand at rolling their own wax candles.
Educating and mentoring new beekeepers is a big part of the club’s activity and some of the hives in the club apiary are set aside for beginners.
Other hives are used to rear queen bees to ensure that desirable traits such as gentleness